ADT installRuntime command

The -installRuntime command installs the AIR runtime on a device.

You must uninstall an existing version of the AIR runtime before reinstalling with this command.

The command uses the following syntax:

adt -installRuntime -platform platformName -platformsdk path_to_sdk -device deviceID -package fileName

-platform The name of the platform of the device. Currently this command is only supported on the Android platform. Use the name, android.

-platformsdk The path to the platform SDK for the target device. Currently, the only supported platform SDK is Android. The AIR 2.6+ SDK includes the tools from the Android SDK needed to implement the relevant ADT commands. Only set this value to use a different version of the Android SDK. Also, the platform SDK path does not need to be supplied on the command line if the AIR_ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable is already set. (If both are set, then the path provided on the command line is used.)

-device The serial number of the device. The device only needs to be specified when more than one device or emulator is attached to your computer and running. If the specified device is not connected, ADT returns exit code 14: Device error. If more than one device or emulator is connected and a device is not specified, ADT returns exit code 2: Usage error.

On Android, use the Android ADB tool to list the serial numbers of attached devices and running emulators:

adb devices

-package The file name of the runtime to install. On Android, this must be an APK package. If no package is specified, the appropriate runtime for the device or emulator is chosen from those available in the AIR SDK. If the runtime is already installed, ADT returns error code 14:Device error.

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