Packaging a desktop AIR installation file

Every AIR application must, at a minimum, have an application descriptor file and a main SWF or HTML file. Any other assets to be installed with the application must be packaged in the AIR file as well.

This article discusses packaging an AIR application using the command-line tools included with the SDK. For information about package an application using one of the Adobe authoring tools, see the following:

All AIR installer files must be signed using a digital certificate. The AIR installer uses the signature to verify that your application file has not been altered since you signed it. You can use a code signing certificate from a certification authority or a self-signed certificate.

When you use a certificate issued by a trusted certification authority, you give users of your application some assurance of your identity as publisher. The installation dialog reflects the fact that your identity is verified by the certificate authority:

Installation confirmation dialog for application signed by a trusted certificate

When you use a self-signed certificate, users cannot verify your identity as the signer. A self-signed certificate also weakens the assurance that the package hasn’t been altered. (This is because a legitimate installation file could be substituted with a forgery before it reaches the user.) The installation dialog reflects the fact that the publisher’s identity cannot be verified. Users are taking a greater security risk when they install your application:

Installation confirmation dialog for application signed by a self-signed certificate

You can package and sign an AIR file in a single step using the ADT -package command. You can also create an intermediate, unsigned package with the -prepare command, and sign the intermediate package with the -sign command in a separate step.

Note: Java versions 1.5 and above do not accept high-ASCII characters in passwords used to protect PKCS12 certificate files. When you create or export your code signing certificate file, use only regular ASCII characters in the password.

When signing the installation package, ADT automatically contacts a time-stamp authority server to verify the time. The time-stamp information is included in the AIR file. An AIR file that includes a verified time stamp can be installed at any point in the future. If ADT cannot connect to the time-stamp server, then packaging is canceled. You can override the time-stamping option, but without a time stamp, an AIR application ceases to be installable after the certificate used to sign the installation file expires.

If you are creating a package to update an existing AIR application, the package must be signed with the same certificate as the original application. If the original certificate has been renewed or has expired within the last 180 days, or if you want to change to a new certificate, you can apply a migration signature. A migration signature involves signing the application AIR file with both the new and the old certificate. Use the -migrate command to apply the migration signature as described in ADT migrate command.

Important: There is a strict 180 day grace period for applying a migration signature after the original certificate expires. Without a migration signature, existing users must uninstall their existing application before installing your new version. The grace period only applies to applications that specify AIR version 1.5.3, or above, in the application descriptor namespace. There is no grace period when targeting earlier versions of the AIR runtime.

Before AIR 1.1, migration signatures were not supported. You must package an application with an SDK of version 1.1 or later to apply a migration signature.

Applications deployed using AIR files are known as desktop profile applications. You cannot use ADT to package a native installer for an AIR application if the application descriptor file does not support the desktop profile. You can restrict this profile using the supportedProfiles element in the application descriptor file. See Device profiles and supportedProfiles.

Note: The settings in the application descriptor file determine the identity of an AIR application and its default installation path. See AIR application descriptor files.

Publisher IDs

As of AIR 1.5.3, publisher IDs are deprecated. New applications (originally published with AIR 1.5.3 or later) do not need and should not specify a publisher ID.

When updating applications published with earlier versions of AIR, you must specify the original publisher ID in the application descriptor file. Otherwise, the installed version of your application and the update version are treated as different applications. If you use a different ID or omit the publisherID tag, a user must uninstall the earlier version before installing the new version.

To determine the original publisher ID, find the publisherid file in the META-INF/AIR subdirectory where the original application is installed. The string within this file is the publisher ID. Your application descriptor must specify the AIR 1.5.3 runtime (or later) in the namespace declaration of the application descriptor file in order to specify the publisher ID manually.

For applications published before AIR 1.5.3 — or that are published with the AIR 1.5.3 SDK, while specifying an earlier version of AIR in the application descriptor namespace — a publisher ID is computed based on the signing certificate. This ID is used, along with the application ID, to determine the identity of an application. The publisher ID, when present, is used for the following purposes:

  • Verifying that an AIR file is an update rather than a new application to install

  • As part of the encryption key for the encrypted local store

  • As part of the path for the application storage directory

  • As part of the connection string for local connections

  • As part of the identity string used to invoke an application with the AIR in-browser API

  • As part of the OSID (used when creating custom install/uninstall programs)

Before AIR 1.5.3, the publisher ID of an application could change if you signed an application update with migration signature using a new or renewed certificate. When a publisher ID changes, the behavior of any AIR features relying on the ID also changes. For example, data in the existing encrypted local store can no longer be accessed and any Flash or AIR instances that create a local connection to the application must use the new ID in the connection string.

In AIR 1.5.3, or later, the publisher ID is not based on the signing certificate and is only assigned if the publisherID tag is included in the application descriptor. An application cannot be updated if the publisher ID specified for the update AIR package does not match its current publisher ID.

Packaging with ADT

You can use the AIR ADT command-line tool to package an AIR application. Before packaging, all your ActionScript, MXML, and any extension code must be compiled. You must also have a code signing certificate.

For a detailed reference on ADT commands and options see AIR Developer Tool (ADT).

Creating an AIR package

To create an AIR package, use the ADT package command, setting the target type to air for release builds.

adt -package -target air -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../codesign.p12 myApp.air myApp-app.xml myApp.swf icons

The example assumes that the path to the ADT tool is on your command-line shell’s path definition. (See Path environment variables for help.)

You must run the command from the directory containing the application files. The application files in the example are myApp-app.xml (the application descriptor file), myApp.swf, and an icons directory.

When you run the command as shown, ADT will prompt you for the keystore password. (The password characters you type are not always displayed; just press Enter when you are done typing.)

Creating an AIR package from an AIRI file

You can create sign an AIRI file to create an installable AIR package:

adt -sign -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../codesign.p12 myApp.airi myApp.air

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