I use SDL AuthorAssistant for FrameMaker 9. If I upgrade to FrameMaker 10, can I use the same installation of SDL AuthorAssistant?

For FrameMaker 10, you require SDL AuthorAssistant 2010 SP1 version. Even if you have an earlier version of SDL AuthorAssistant (working with FrameMaker 9), you must download and upgrade to SDL AuthorAssistant 2010 SP1.

On the same machine, if you have both FrameMaker 9 and FrameMaker 10, you can use the same installation of SDL AuthorAssistant 2010 SP1 for both.

  1. Install SDL AuthorAssistant 2010 SP1 for either FrameMaker 9 or FrameMaker 10.

  2. In the maker.ini file of the FrameMaker version for which you installed SDL AuthorAssistant (in step 1), copy the entry related to SDL AuthorAssistant in the [APIClients] section.

  3. In the maker.ini file of the FrameMaker version for which you want to extend the SDL AuthorAssistant service, paste the content in the [APIClients] section.

    For example, if you have installed SDL AuthorAssistant 2010 SP1 for FrameMaker 10, copy the following data from maker.ini in C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker10 to maker.ini in C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker9:

    SDLAuthorAssistant=Standard, SDLAuthorAssistant, C:\Program Files\SDL\SDL AuthorAssistant 2010\S42AA_Adobe.dll, all
    Note: File locations on your system can vary.

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