Importing a FrameMaker document to a RoboHelp project

The following script, while executing, imports a FrameMaker document to a RoboHelp project. Open a FrameMaker document before executing the script. The script automatically launches RoboHelp.

var path=doc.Name; 
function  createScript(path) 
 script="doc.importFrameMakerDoc (\""+path+"\",\"\",\"\", \"\", false, \"\", \"\");"; 
function sendRoboHelp(script) 
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = "RoboHelp"; 
bt.body = script; 

Using the doc variable, create a reference to the active FrameMaker window. Use the Doc.Name property to get the path of the active FrameMaker window. Call the user-defined createScrip() function by passing the path variable. In the function, create the following string: script="doc.importFrameMakerDoc (\""+path+"\",\"\",\"\", \"\", false, \"\", \"\");";

doc.importFrameMakerDoc is a RoboHelp function that takes the following parameters to import a FrameMaker document to RoboHelp:

  • File path

  • Folder name

  • FrameMaker TOC file path

  • TOC name

  • Add index to topics

  • Index name

  • Glossary name

The example uses default settings to import the document to RoboHelp. Provide document’s path. Provide false for the Add Index to Topics parameter. As a general JavaScript rule, the quotes in a string are provided inside the escape character “ \ ”. The user-defined sendRoboHelp() function invokes RoboHelp. Create a new BridgeTalk object which is used to connect to a different application in Technical Communication Suite. Using the target property, provide the name of the application on which you want to run the script. Use the body property to provide the script that you want to run. The send() method sends the script to the target application and executes the script.

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