Rich media and FrameMaker

Adding rich media to FrameMaker documents

  1. In FrameMaker, place the cursor at the place you want to insert the file.
  2. Choose File > Import > File. The Import dialog box opens.
  3. In the Import dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Navigate to the file and click Import.

    • Click Browse URL to navigate to a file

    • Click Browse CMS, and navigate to the file on your configured shared repository.

  4. If the file type is not recognized, an Unknown File Type dialog box displays, select the closest content type and click Convert.
  5. In the Imported Graphic Scaling dialog box, select an option to fit the rich media object and click Set.
The rich media object is placed in your document, inside an anchored frame.
  • Graphic and 3D objects are rendered and a representation is displayed.

  • Audio and video objects display an icon.

  • Interactive content displays the default poster image. If the SWF does not have a default poster image, a Play button is displayed instead.

Specify poster images for audio, videos, 3D, and SWF content

The poster image is the default image that displays unless the movie is played. By default, either standard icons or the first frame of the movie is used as it’s poster image. The set poster command lets you specify an image to be displayed as a poster for the movie.

Right-click the movie or SWF content, and choose Set Poster, and browse to the image file to use as the poster.

Working with 3D models

You can add 3D models to your FrameMaker documents. When you publish the document to PDF, these models are interactive and users can move the objects around. For more information on using 3D and Acrobat see Interacting with 3D models .

View full size graphic
A 3D model inside a PDF.

3D models are supported only inside PDFs. You can view the PDF using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

When you publish the FrameMaker files to HTML or other formats, the default view of the 3D model is rendered as an image. However, in RoboHelp you can specify the Preserve 3D Images option (Project Settings > FrameMaker Document > Edit > Image), 3D models are published as embedded PDF files that open when users navigate to that page.

You can also specify the basic 3D settings right inside FrameMaker. Access to the original 3D application is not required. Use the 3D options to change the background color, lighting, and render modes for the 3D model. Right-click and choose 3D to access these controls.

Setting multimedia preferences

In FrameMaker Preferences, specify if you want to embed multimedia objects in PDF.
  1. Choose File > Preferences > General.

  2. Check the following as required:

    • Embed Adobe Flash files in PDF

    • Embed 3D objects in PDF

    • Embed multimedia objects in PDF

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