BETA ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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IFocusManagerComponent  - AS3 Flex

Interfacepublic interface IFocusManagerComponent
Implementors AccessibleText, Accordion, AdvancedListBase, Button, ButtonBar, ButtonBar, ButtonBase, ChartBase, ComboBase, CommandBarBase, DataGrid, DateChooser, DateField, HTML, List, ListBase, MenuBar, NumericStepper, NumericStepper, PanelItem, RichEditableText, Scroller, SkinnableTextBase, SliderBase, Spinner, TabBar, TabNavigator, TaskCommandBarBase, TextArea, UIMovieClip, ViewMenu

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: Flex 3
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 9, AIR 1.1

The IFocusManagerComponent interface defines the interface that focusable components must implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager. The base implementations of this interface are in the UIComponent class, but UIComponent does not implement the full IFocusManagerComponent interface since some UIComponents are not intended to receive focus. Therefore, to make a UIComponent-derived component be a valid focusable component, you simply add "implements IFocusManagerComponent" to the class definition.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  focusEnabled : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus when selected.
  hasFocusableChildren : Boolean
A flag that indicates whether child objects can receive focus.
  mouseFocusEnabled : Boolean
[read-only] A flag that indicates whether the component can receive focus when selected with the mouse.
  tabFocusEnabled : Boolean
[read-only] A flag that indicates whether pressing the Tab key eventually moves focus to this component.
  tabIndex : int
If tabFocusEnabled, the order in which the component receives focus.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus.
Called by the FocusManager when the component receives focus.
Property Detail
Method Detail