Package | com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate |
Class | public class ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil |
Inheritance | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil ServiceDelegate Object |
Implements | IReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil |
Deprecated since Review, Commenting, and Approval 10: Please Use com.adobe.solutions.rca.services.impl.ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Version: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 9.5 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10, AIR (unsupported) |
Public Properties
Protected Properties
Public Methods
Method | Defined By | ||
Constructor. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Finds custom processes to use. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Specifies who has permission to initiate a review. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined. | Object | ||
Determines whether a user has permission to perform a task. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Checks the permissions for editing the review template. | ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | ||
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified
as the parameter. | Object | ||
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable. | Object | ||
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations. | Object | ||
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions. | Object | ||
Returns the string representation of the specified object. | Object | ||
Returns the primitive value of the specified object. | Object |
Protected Methods
Constructor Detail
ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil | () | Constructor |
public function ReviewCommentingAndApprovalUtil(channelSet:ChannelSet)
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Version: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 9.5 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10, AIR (unsupported) |
ParameterschannelSet:ChannelSet |
Method Detail
findCustomRCAProcesses | () | method |
public function findCustomRCAProcesses():com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Version: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 9.5 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10, AIR (unsupported) |
Finds custom processes to use.
Returnscom.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken |
hasInitiateReviewPermission | () | method |
public function hasInitiateReviewPermission():com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Version: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 9.5 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10, AIR (unsupported) |
Specifies who has permission to initiate a review.
Returnscom.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken |
hasPermission | () | method |
public function hasPermission(permissionList:ArrayCollection):com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Version: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 9.5 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10, AIR (unsupported) |
Determines whether a user has permission to perform a task.
permissionList:ArrayCollection |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken |
hasTemplateAuthoringPermission | () | method |
public function hasTemplateAuthoringPermission():com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken
Language Version: | ActionScript 3.0 |
Product Version: | Review, Commenting, and Approval Building Block 9.5 |
Runtime Versions: | Flash Player 9, Flash Player 10, AIR (unsupported) |
Checks the permissions for editing the review template.
Returnscom.adobe.livecycle.rca.token:IAsyncToken |
Wed Nov 21 2018, 06:34 AM -08:00