12.5 Copying jar files

  1. Note: The module.xml contains path entry for all the jar files.
  2. Copy the following JAR files from [DVD root]\third_party\jboss.zip\[JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft\main to the [JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft\main directory of your downloaded JBoss.

    • sqljdbc4.jar

    • module.xml

    Note: The module.xml contains path entry for all the jar files.
  3. Copy the following JAR files from [DVD root]\third_party\jboss.zip\[JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\com\mysql\main to the [JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\com\mysql\main directory of your downloaded JBoss.

    • mysql-connector-java-bin.jar

    • module.xml

    Note: The module.xml contains path entry for all the jar files.
  4. Copy the following JAR files from [DVD root]\third_party\jboss.zip\[JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\main to the [JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\main directory of your downloaded JBoss.

    • ojdbc6.jar

    • module.xml

    Note: The module.xml contains path entry for all the jar files.
  5. Copy the following JAR files from [DVD root]\third_party\jboss.zip\[JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\org\apache\commons\validator\main to the [JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\org\apache\commons directory of your downloaded JBoss.

    • commons-validator.jar

    • commons-validator.jar.index

    • module.xml

    Note: The module.xml contains path entry for all the jar files.
  6. Copy the following JAR files from [DVD root]\third_party\jboss.zip\[JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\org\hibernate\3 to the [JBoss_root]\modules\system\layers\base\org\hibernate\3 directory of your downloaded JBoss.

    • hibernate-annotations.jar

    • hibernate-entitymanager.jar

    • module.xml

    Note: The module.xml contains path entry for all the jar files.

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