2.3 AEM forms on JEE installation and deployment list

The following list includes the steps that are required for installing AEM forms on JEE by using the manual method. Your application server or cluster must be installed and configured before you perform the installation.

  • Ensure that the required software is installed on each machine and configured in the target environment.

  • Ensure that you created and configured the application server cluster in the target environment. You can choose to manually configure JBoss or use the Adobe pre-configured one.

  • Run the installation program only on one machine.

  • Run Configuration Manager and select the Configure AEM forms on JEE EARs task. This task configures and assembles AEM forms on JEE.

    Run the manual configuration steps on the machines where AEM forms on JEE is not installed. For example, copy content repository.

  • Deploy the EAR files to the application server or cluster. You must do it manually.

  • Run Configuration Manager to initialize the AEM forms on JEE database and deploy AEM forms on JEE component files.

  • Access Administration Console and User Management.

  • (Optional) Configure LDAP access.

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