Ensure that all application server instances of
the cluster are started.
View the Gemfire.log file, located in the directory appropriate
to your application server:
Messages such as the following confirm that the cache is
connected to all servers of the cluster:
[info 2008/01/22 14:24:31.109 EST GemfireCacheAdapter <UDP mcast
receiver> nid=0x5b611c24] Membership: received new view
[server-0:2916|1] [server-0:2916/2913, server-1:3168/3165]
[info 2008/01/22 14:24:31.125 EST GemfireCacheAdapter <View Message
Processor> nid=0x7574d1dc] DMMembership: admitting member
<server-1:3168/3165>; now there are 2 non-admin member(s)
Ensure that the number of non-admin members
(two in the example log entry above) matches the number of members
in your cluster. A discrepancy indicates that some members of the
cluster are not connected to the cache.