Workspace start point properties

The properties of Workspace start points control many aspects of the user experience in Workspace:

  • The information about the process that appears on the Workspace Start Process page

  • The presentation asset and data that are displayed to users

  • The Workspace features that can be used

When the process is deployed, Workspace start points cause TaskManager endpoints to be created on the AEM forms Server. The administration console provides additional properties that you can configure for TaskManager endpoints.


Information that appears on the Workspace Start Process page. You can also provide information for design-time tracking.

The name of the start point. The name appears on the Start Process page to represent the process. Provide a name that is meaningful to Workspace users.

(Optional) A description of the process. The description appears on the process card on the Start Process area of Workspace . Provide a description that is meaningful to users. For information about how to format the text using HTML, see Task instructions on task cards .

The category to include the process in on the Start Process page. Create a new category or select an existing one:
  • To create a new category, select Create On Deploy and provide the name and description of the category. The category is created when the process is deployed with the application.

  • To use an existing category, select Use Existing Category and select the category from the list.

Contact Info:
(Optional) Information about what to do when issues around the process occur. For example, you can provide the name and email address of a person in your organization who should be notified. The text you provide appears in Workbench, as well as in the end point properties in administration console. Notification does not occur automatically.

Task Instructions:
(Optional) Instructions that inform users about the functionality of the process and how to use it. Instructions appear in the following areas of Workspace:
  • The Task Details tab, after the process card is opened and the task appears.

  • After the process card is opened, the task is saved as a draft, and then the draft is opened.

For information about how to format the text using HTML, see Task instructions on task cards .

Presentation & Data

Properties for displaying forms or Guides. (See Designing data capture and presentation .)

Use an application asset
Select to display an application asset, such as a form or Guide, to the user.

Use a CRX asset
Select to display an adaptive form, adaptive document, or form set.

The presentation asset to display to the user. Click the ellipsis button and select a form or Guide file. You can select a file from any application.

Action Profile:
The action profile to use with the asset. The action profiles that appear are already created for the asset that you selected. For more information, see About action profiles .

Start Point Output

Property for saving submitted data.

The variable in which to store the submitted data. Select either an xml, document, or Task Result variable:
  • Select an xml variable if the asset submits field data that is XML or XDP format.

  • Select a document variable if the asset is a PDF form that submits a PDF document.

  • Select a Task Result variable to save the field data as well as other information about the task.

For more information about assets and the type of data they generate, see About captured data .

Reader Submit

Properties for indicating Adobe Reader users start the process. These properties are available only when a PDF or XDP form is used as the value of the Asset property.

Submit Via Reader:
Select when users use Adobe Reader to open PDF forms. This property causes submit buttons to appear in Workspace when Adobe Reader is used.

Submit As:
The type of information to submit. Select XDP to submit XDP data, or PDF to submit a PDF document.


Properties for indicating the Workspace features that are available to users.

Visible in Mobile Workspace:
Select this option to ensure that the selected startpoint is displayed to users with "Services User" role in the AEM forms Mobile Workspace app. For details on using start points in the Mobile Workspace app, see Working with Mobile Startpoints .

User Can Forward Task:
Select to enable users to forward the task to another user.

Task Initially Locked:
For users who have shared their queue, select to lock the task automatically when users open the task. When the task is locked, users who can access the shared queue cannot open the task.

Add ACLs For Shared Queues:
Select to apply the properties selected in the Options property group for users who can access tasks in shared queues.

Attachment Options

Permit adding attachments:
Select to enable users to attach files to the task.

Save task attachments in a process variable:
Select a variable that contains files to attach to the task. The variable must be a list of document values. Click the plus sign button to create a variable for saving the files.

Workspace User Interface

Properties for specifying the user interface to be used with Workspace, and how that interface should display when a task is opened.

Select this option to customize Workspace interface, when displaying tasks. The custom interface is a swc file.

Maximize The Form When Opened In Workspace:
Select to display the asset using all the available space in the web browser window. Whether this option is selected or not, users can maximize or minimize the display area of the asset as needed.

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