Adding, editing, deleting, and copying branches

You create branches that execute in parallel by adding process elements to a gateway element. You can add as many branches as your process requires. You can rename a branch and add a description to make it distinct from other branches. The branch type you configure specifies how the operations in the branch behave at runtime. The branch type is synchronous by default. (See Transactions and branches .)

After you add a branch, you can edit that branch by adding additional elements to define your business logic. (See Adding elements to gateway branches .)

You can copy branches and add them to another branch, such as the main branch or a branch in a gateway element. You can also copy the branch to the current or a different process diagram. When you copy a branch, you copy only the process elements and routes that join them, and not the branch properties.

You can also remove branches from your process diagram.

To add a branch:

  1. In the process diagram, select a process element to include in the branch. The route anchors appear on the element.

  2. Place the pointer over a route anchor to highlight it.

  3. Drag the pointer to the start or end of the gateway. If your route connects the element to the end of the gateway, a route from the element to the start of the gateway is created.

  4. Click Save.

To edit a branch:

  1. In the process diagram, click the branch label to select it, and then enter the new name for the branch.

  2. In the Process Properties view, edit other branch properties as required. (See Transactions and branches .)

To copy a branch:

  1. In the process diagram, right-click the gateway element, select Copy Branch, and then select the name of the branch to copy.

  2. In the toolbar, do one of the following actions:

    • In the toolbar, click Paste  .

    • Select Edit > Paste.

    • Press Ctrl+V.

  3. Move the branch elements to the appropriate location in the process diagram.

  4. Create routes as required to add the copied branch to the process.

Note: When you copy a branch, the routes that join it to the gateway are not copied.

To delete a branch:

In the process diagram, right-click the gateway element, select Delete Branch, and then select the name of the branch to delete.
Note: If you delete all the elements in a branch, the branch is deleted automatically.

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