Certificate Encrypt PDF operation

Encrypts a PDF document by using a certificate.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties .

Input properties

Properties to specify a PDF document, certificate encryption identities, and the encryption parameters.

Input PDF

A document value that represents the PDF document to encrypt.

If you provide a literal value, clicking the ellipsis button  opens the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset ).

Certificate Encryption Identities

A list of Encryption Identity values that represent the certificate encryption identities. A certificate identity can be any one of the following items:

  • A certificate alias in trust store

  • A certificate file on the file system

  • A certificate file located at an LDAP URI. The LDAP URI must be an exact match on the LDAP server for proper retrieval of the certificate, which is used to encrypt the PDF document.

If you provide a literal value, certificates can be added or removed. Clicking Add Identity adds a new certificate encryption identity as an Identity entry to the pane below the Add Identity button. Clicking Remove Identity within an Identity entry removes an existing certificate encryption identity.

Note: Each certificate is represented as Identity [certificate] where certificate represents the position of the certificate in the list.

For each Identity entry, modify the options from the following option groups.

The location of the certificate used to encrypt the PDF document. No default is provided. Select one of the following options.
  • Select Alias: The alias to a certificate located in trust store. When selected, type the name of the certificate alias.

  • Select Certificate File: Specifies to use a certificate that is located at a network location or local computer. When selected, click the ellipsis button  to open the Open dialog box where you can select a certificate from a local computer or a network location.

  • Select LDAP URI: Specifies the location of the certificate. When the certificate is selected, type the URI of the LDAP server.

    Specifies permissions to add to the encrypted PDF.

  • Restrict Printer And Editing Of The Document And Its Security Settings: Sets the permissions for changing and printing a PDF document. Select this option to override the default permissions used to encrypt a PDF document by using a certificate.

  • Changes Allowed: Select the changes that are allowed on the encrypted PDF document. The default is Any Except Extracting Pages . Select one of the following valid values.

  • None: No changes are permitted on the encrypted PDF file.

  • Inserting, Deleting, and Rotating Pages: Only inserting text, deleting, and rotating the page layout is permitted.

  • Form Fill and Sign Signature Fields: Only filling in fields and digitally signing the PDF file is permitted.

  • Comments, Form Fill and Sign Signature Fields: Only adding comments, filling in the fields in the PDF file, and digitally signing the PDF file is permitted.

  • Any Except Extracting Pages: All editing of a PDF file is permitted except for extracting PDF pages from the

  • Printing Allowed: Select whether printing is allowed. The default is High Resolution . Select one of the following valid values.

  • None: Specifies that printing of the PDF file is not allowed.

  • High Resolution: Specifies that printing of the PDF is permitted in high resolution.

  • Low Resolution (150 dpi): Specifies that printing of the PDF file is permitted in low resolution up to 150 dpi.

Certificate Encryption Option Spec

A Certificate Encryption Option Spec value that represents encryption preferences that are used when encrypting a PDF document with a certificate. You can encrypt the entire PDF file (includes the metadata and attachments), everything except for the PDF file’s metadata, or only the attachments.

If you provide a literal value, specify the following options in the PDF Encryption Options.

The compatibility with earlier versions of Acrobat and Adobe Reader. Select one of the following values.
  • Acrobat 6.0 And Later: Compatible with Acrobat 6 and later versions that encrypt PDF documents by using a 128-bit RC4 algorithm and provides fine-grained control over the operations that are permitted.

  • Acrobat 7.0 And Later: Compatible with Acrobat 7 and later versions that encrypt PDF documents by using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

  • Acrobat 9.0 And Later: Compatible with Acrobat 9 and later versions that encrypt PDF documents by using FIPs compliant AES 256 algorithm.

The default is Acrobat 7.0 And Later .

All Document Contents:
Select to encrypt the entire PDF document, including its attachments and metadata.

All Contents Except Metadata:
Select to encrypt all PDF document resources except for its metadata. This option is available only when Acrobat 6.0 And Later, Acrobat 7.0 And Later, or Acrobat 9.0 And Later is selected for the Compatibility option.

Attachments Only:
Select to encrypt only PDF document attachments. This option is available only when Acrobat 7.0 And Later or Acrobat 9.0 And Later is selected for the Compatibility option.

Output properties

Property to specify an output value that represents PDF document that was encrypted by using a certificate.

Output PDF

The location to store the PDF document that was encrypted by using a certificate. The data type is document .


This operation can throw an EncryptionServiceException exception.

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