
A complex data type used to specify individual usage rights that are associated with a PDF document or credential. Rights variables are members of the GetUsageRightsResult data type.

For information about data that can be accessed using Xpath Expressions, see Data items .

Data items

The data items that rights variables contain.

A boolean value that indicates whether the PDF document supports barcoded forms decoding within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can create and modify document annotations such as comments within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can upload and download annotations such as comments to and from an online document review and comment server.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can digitally sign and save PDF documents and clear digital signatures within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can add, change, or delete fields and field properties on the PDF form within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can create pages from the form template for forms created in Acrobat.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can add, remove, modify, or export files attached to a PDF document within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can add, remove, modify, or export files attached to a PDF document within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can fill form fields and save the PDF document locally from within Adobe Reader.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can access the database or call the web service that is defined within the PDF document.

A boolean value that indicates whether the user can submit data to a server by email or offline.

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