1 About This Document

AEM forms on JEE is an enterprise server platform that helps you automate and streamline business processes. AEM forms on JEE comprises the following components:

  • J2EE-based Foundation provides server capabilities and runtime environment

  • Tools to design, develop, and test AEM forms on JEE Applications

  • Modules and Services are deployed on AEM forms on JEE Server and provide functional services

For more information about the AEM forms on JEE architecture and capabilities, see Introduction to AEM forms .

This document is part of a larger documentation set available at Documentation page . It is advised that you start with the preparing guide and then move on to installation and configuration guide depending on whether you are performing a fresh installation (single server or cluster setup) or upgrading your existing deployment. For Turnkey deployment, which is only for evaluation purposes, see Installing and Deploying AEM forms on JEE using JBoss Turnkey .

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