Invoking LiveCycle using Remoting

Processes created in Workbench can be invoked by using Remoting. That is, you can invoke a LiveCycle process from a client application built with Flex. This feature is based on Data Services.

Note: When using Remoting, it is recommended that you invoke processes that were created in Workbench as opposed to LiveCycle services. However, it is possible to invoke LiveCycle services directly. (See Encrypting PDF documents using Remoting located on LiveCycle Developer Center.)
Note: If a LiveCycle service is not configured to allow anonymous access, requests from a Flex client result in a web browser challenge. The user must enter user name and password credentials.

The following LiveCycle short-lived process, named MyApplication/EncryptDocument , can be invoked using Remoting. (For information about this process such as its input and output values, see Short lived process example .)

Note: To invoke a LiveCycle process using a Flex application, ensure that a remoting endpoint is enabled. By default, a remoting endpoint is enabled when you deploy a process.

When this process is invoked, it performs the following actions:

  1. Obtains the unsecured PDF document that is passed as an input value. This action is based on the SetValue operation. The name of the input parameter is inDoc and its data type is document . (The document data type is an available data type from within Workbench.)

  2. Encrypts the PDF document with a password. This action is based on the PasswordEncryptPDF operation. The name of the output value for this process is outDoc and represents the password-encrypted PDF document. The data type of outDoc is document .

  3. Saves the password-encrypted PDF document as a PDF file to the local file system. This action is based on the WriteDocument operation.

Note: The MyApplication/EncryptDocument process is not based on an existing LiveCycle process. To following along with the code examples, create a process named MyApplication/EncryptDocument using Workbench.
Note: For information about using Remoting to invoke a long-lived process, see Invoking Human-Centric Long-Lived Processes .

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