Including LiveCycle Java library files

To programmatically invoke a LiveCycle service by using the Java API, include required library files (JAR files) in your Java project’s classpath. The JAR files that you include in your client application’s classpath depend on several factors:

  • The LiveCycle service to invoke. A client application can invoke one or more services.

  • The mode in which you want to invoke a LiveCycle service. You can use the EJB or SOAP mode. (See Setting connection properties .)

  • The J2EE application server on which LiveCycle is deployed.

Service-specific JAR files

The following table lists the JAR files that are required to invoke LiveCycle services.





Must always be included in a Java client application’s class path.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Must always be included in a Java client application’s class path.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Must always be included in a Java client application’s class path.

< install directory >/sdk//client-libs/<app server>


Required to invoke the Application Manager service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Assembler service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Backup and Restore service API.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the barcoded forms service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Convert PDF service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Distiller service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the DocConverter service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Document Management service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Encryption service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Forms service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Form Data Integration service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Generate PDF service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Generate 3D PDF service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Job Manager service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Output service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the PDF Utilities or XMP Utilities service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Acrobat Reader DC extensions service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common



Required to invoke the Repository service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs\thirdparty

  • adobe-rightsmanagement-client.jar

  • namespace.jar

  • jaxb-api.jar

  • jaxb-impl.jar

  • jaxb-libs.jar

  • jaxb-xjc.jar

  • relaxngDatatype.jar

  • xsdlib.jar

Required to invoke the Rights Management service.

If LiveCycle is deployed on JBoss, include all these files.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common

JBoss-specific lib directory


Required to invoke the Signature service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Task Manager service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common


Required to invoke the Trust Store service.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/common

Connection mode and J2EE application JAHawR files

The following table lists the JAR files that are dependant upon the connection mode and the J2EE application server on which LiveCycle is deployed.




  • activation.jar

  • axis.jar

  • commons-codec-1.3.jar

  • commons-collections-3.1.jar

  • commons-discovery.jar

  • commons-logging.jar

  • dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar

  • jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar

  • jaxrpc.jar

  • log4j.jar

  • mail.jar

  • saaj.jar

  • wsdl4j.jar

  • xalan.jar

  • xbean.jar

  • xercesImpl.jar

if LiveCycle is invoked using the SOAP mode, include these JAR files.

< install directory >/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty


if LiveCycle is deployed on JBoss Application Server, include this JAR file.

The size of jbossall-client.jar is significantly lesser in JBoss 5.1.0. This is because JBoss 4.2.1 jbossall-client.jar packages all the classes required to connect to JBoss 4.2.1 server. However, JBoss 5.1.0 jbossall-client.jar does not package any classes. This jar file contains a classpath reference to various client jar files used by the JBoss client applications.

When writing LiveCycle API-based programs where LiveCycle is running on JBoss 5.2.1, you must place jbossall-client.jar and all the referenced jars in a single folder and then include jbossall-client.jar in the classpath.

Required classes will not be found by the classloader if jbossall-client.jar and the referenced jars are not co-located.

JBoss client lib directory

If you deploy your client application on the same J2EE application server, you do not need to include this file.

  • jacorb.jar

  • jnp-client.jar

if LiveCycle is deployed on JBoss Application Server, include this JAR file.

JBoss client lib directory

If you deploy your client application on the same J2EE application server, you do not need to include this file.


if LiveCycle is deployed on BEA WebLogic Server®, then include this JAR file.

WebLogic-specific lib directory

If you deploy your client application on the same J2EE application server, you do not need to include this file.



  • if LiveCycle is deployed on WebSphere Application Server, include these JAR files.

  • ( is required for web service invocation).

WebSphere-specific lib directory ( [WAS_HOME] /runtimes)

If you deploy your client application on the same J2EE application server, you do not have to include these files.

Invoking scenarios

The following table specifies invoking scenarios and lists the required JAR files to successfully invoke LiveCycle.


Invocation mode

J2EE application server

Required JAR files

Forms service



  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

  • jbossall-client.jar

  • jacorb.jar

  • jnp-client.jar

  • adobe-forms-client.jar

Forms service

Acrobat Reader DC extensions service

Signature service



  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

  • jbossall-client.jar

  • jacorb.jar

  • jnp-client.jar

  • adobe-forms-client.jar

  • adobe-reader-extensions-client.jar

  • adobe-signatures-client.jar

Forms service



  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

  • wlclient.jar

  • activation.jar

  • axis.jar

  • commons-codec-1.3.jar

  • commons-collections-3.1.jar

  • commons-discovery.jar

  • commons-logging.jar

  • dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar

  • jai_imageio.jar

  • jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar

  • jaxrpc.jar

  • log4j.jar

  • mail.jar

  • saaj.jar

  • wsdl4j.jar

  • xalan.jar

  • xbean.jar

  • xercesImpl.jar

  • adobe-forms-client.jar

Forms service

Acrobat Reader DC extensions service

Signature service



  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

  • wlclient.jar

  • activation.jar

  • axis.jar

  • commons-codec-1.3.jar

  • commons-collections-3.1.jar

  • commons-discovery.jar

  • commons-logging.jar

  • dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar

  • jai_imageio.jar

  • jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar

  • jaxrpc.jar

  • log4j.jar

  • mail.jar

  • saaj.jar

  • wsdl4j.jar

  • xalan.jar

  • xbean.jar

  • xercesImpl.jar

  • adobe-forms-client.jar

  • adobe-reader-extensions-client.jar

  • adobe-signatures-client.jar

Upgrading JAR files

If you are upgrading from a previous version of LiveCycle to LiveCycle ES4, it is recommeded that you include the LiveCycle JAR files in your Java project’s class path. For example, if you are using services such as the Rights Management service, you will encounter a compatibility issue if you do not include LiveCycle JAR files in your class path.

Assuming that you are upgrading to LiveCycle ES4. To use a Java application that invokes the Rights Management service, include the LiveCycle versions of the following JAR files:

  • adobe-rightsmanagement-client.jar

  • adobe-livecycle-client.jar

  • adobe-usermanager-client.jar

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