Repository Service API Quick Starts

The following Quick Starts are available for the AEM Forms Repository service.

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Creating a folder using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Writing a resource using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Listing resources using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Reading a resource using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Updating a resource using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Searching for resources using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Creating relationships between resources using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Locking a resource using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Managing access control lists using the Java API

Quick Start (SOAP mode): Deleting a resource using the Java API

AEM Forms operations can be performed using the AEM Forms strongly-typed API and the connection mode should be set to SOAP


Most AEM Forms repository service quick starts interact with an application named Applications/FormsApplication, as shown in the following illustration.

The folder FormsFolder is a location in the AEM Forms repository. You can, for example, programmatically add this folder to Applications/FormsApplication . (See Quick Start (SOAP mode): Creating a folder using the Java API .)

The path to a resource located in the AEM Forms repository is:


Note: You can browse the AEM Forms Repository by using a web browser. To browse the repository, enter the following URL into a web browser http://[server name]:[server port]/repository. You can verify quick start results by using a web browser. For example, if you add content to the AEM Forms Repository, you can see the content in a web browser.
Note: Applications/FormsApplication does not exist by default. To follow along with the quick starts, create this application by using Workbench. For information about creating an application using Workbench, see Getting started with process design .

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