5.4.1 Configuring MySQL for Adobe pre-configured JBoss

To enable Adobe pre-configured JBoss to connect to the MySQL database that stores AEM forms on JEE data, you must create a data source file and deploy it to the instance of JBoss where you will deploy AEM forms on JEE.

Note: Encrypt the password in the lc_turnkey.xml file file using one of the methods described at http://community.jboss.org/wiki/EncryptingDataSourcePasswords . The article contains a command to invoke secure identity login module. In place of the command listed in the above article, use the following command to invoke secure identity login module. java -cp <jboss installer folder>\third_party\jboss\modules\system\layers\base\org\picketbox\main\picketbox-4.0.19.SP2-redhat-1.jar org.picketbox.datasource.security.SecureIdentityLoginModule <password>You can also use the instructions available on http://blogs.adobe.com/livecycle/2009/10/livecycle_-_encrypting_clearte.html . Edit lc_turnkey file

Before configuring the MySQL data source, you must have already created the database on MySQL as described in 4.6 Creating a MySQL database .

  1. Open the [appserver root] \standalone\configuration\lc_turnkey.xml file in a text editor and locate this line for both IDP_DS and EDC_DS:

  2. Replace the following text in the file with values that are specific to your database:

    • localhost: The name, IP address, or fully-qualified path of the computer that hosts the database. The default is localhost .

    • 3306: The port used to access the database. The default port is 3306 .

    • adobe: The name of the database that stores the data. Replace the default value, adobe , with your database name.

  3. Ensure that the minimum and maximum values for the data source connections are set as follows:

    • For IDP_DS:

    • For EDC_DS:

      Note: If your AEM forms on JEE server handles heavy load, increase the maximum number of JDBC connections to ensure that all jobs are processed. In such cases, increase <max-pool-size> to 50 or more for both IDP_DS and EDC_DS.
  4. Save and close the file. Edit lc_turnkey.xml file

  1. Open the [appserver root] /standalone/configuration/lc_turnkey.xml file in a text editor and modify the following code within the <authentication> element:

    <security-domain name="EncryptDBPassword"> 
                            <login-module code="org.picketbox.datasource.security.SecureIdentityLoginModule" flag="required"> 
                                <module-option name="userName" value="adobe"/> 
                                <module-option name="password" value="-3bfaa32dfe43f65b207a6df87216de44"/> 
                                <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName" value="jboss.jca:name=DefaultDS,service=LocalTxCM"/> 
              <security-domain name="EncryptDBPassword_IDP_DS"> 
                            <login-module code="org.picketbox.datasource.security.SecureIdentityLoginModule" flag="required"> 
                                <module-option name="userName" value="adobe"/> 
                                <module-option name="password" value="-3bfaa32dfe43f65b207a6df87216de44"/> 
                                <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName" value="jboss.jca:name=IDP_DS,service=LocalTxCM"/> 
            <security-domain name="EncryptDBPassword_EDC_DS"> 
                            <login-module code="org.picketbox.datasource.security.SecureIdentityLoginModule" flag="required"> 
                                <module-option name="userName" value="adobe"/> 
                                <module-option name="password" value="-3bfaa32dfe43f65b207a6df87216de44"/> 
                                <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName" value="jboss.jca:name=EDC_DS,service=LocalTxCM"/> 
  2. Replace the bold text with values that are specific to your database so that the application server can access your database.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Start JBoss.

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