9.5.1 Configure J2C authentication for data source

You must configure the J2C authentication for your data source before you configure the data source.

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click the following:

    Security > Global Security

  2. In the right pane, under Authentication, click Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C authentication data and then click New .

  3. Provide the appropriate information in these boxes:

    Alias: Type a name that is appropriate for the database user (for example, type IDP_DS/db2-db2user ).

    User ID: Enter a user ID. This ID is the login credential that is used to access whichever database will be used with the IDP_DS data source (for example, db2user).

    Password: Type a password for this user.

    Repeat above steps to create an alias, User ID, and Password for EDC_DS .

  4. Click OK or Apply and then click Save directly to master configuration.

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