5.14 Enable messaging on standalone JBoss

To enable messaging on a standalone JBoss 6.2 server for AEM forms on JEE:

  1. Enable the messaging module on the JBOSS 6.2 if it is not enabled yet.

    Copy the following tags from the standalone_full.xml file to the specified location in the lc_turnkey.xml file. Both the files are located in the < aem-forms root >/jboss/standalone/configuration directory.
    • Copy the entire tag with its content <extension module="org.jboss.as.messaging">....</extension> from the standalone_full.xml file and put it after the <extensions> tag in the lc_turnkey.xml file

    • Copy the entire tag with its content <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:messaging:1.4">....</subsystem> from the standalone_full.xml file and put it after the <profile> tag in the lc_turnkey.xml file

  2. Run the add-user.bat script located at < aem-forms root >/jboss/bin to create an application user and add the user to the guest group. The JMS DSC component on AEM forms on JEE expects a Connection User Name and Password to be specified. This user must have permission to use JMS Queue/Topic for performing the Send/Receive operation.
    Note: In the lc_turnkey.xml file, a user with a guest role is already defined under the <security-setting match="#">..... </security-settings> tag. The default user has the privilege to send-receive messages via JMS. However, you must create an application user on the JBoss 6.2 server with the above role to send-receive JMS messages. While creating a user using the add-user.bat script, you can assign it the guest group.
  3. Change the JMS DSC Configuration with the user created in step 2.

    1. Log in to the administration console for AEM forms on JEE.

    2. Navigate to Services > Application and Services > Service Management .

    3. Search JMS service.

    4. In the configuration tab, change the JMS configuration.

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