8.2 Error while configuring connectors for AEM forms


When you try to validate configurations on the Verify Configuration screen, you may receive the following error message

"com.adobe.livecycle.cdv.CDVException The following ports required by JBOSS_FOR_ADOBE_EXPERIENCE_MANAGER_forms are still in use 8083, 1099, 1098. Another instance may be running or another application may be using some of the required ports"


  1. Open Windows Task Manager and then select the Java Process of JBoss server.

    The Java Prcess of JBoss should be an instance of [aem_forms root] \java\32bit\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\java.exe or [aem_forms root] \java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\java.exe

  2. Click End Task to kill Java Process of JBoss server.

  3. On the Verify Configuration screen, click validate configurations. The JBoss server will start without any errors.

// Ethnio survey code removed