2.1 Turnkey overview

The turnkey option is most appropriate for rapid installations of evaluation, developer, and small production environments. The turnkey method automatically performs all of the tasks required to install and configure AEM forms on JEE on a JBoss Application Server. It also installs a local MySQL database (or uses a remote database you have preconfigured) running on Microsoft Windows only.

The turnkey installation performs the following tasks:

  • Installs the product files

  • Installs the required Sun JDK version 1.7.0_25

  • Installs JBoss 6.2.0 Application Server (with Apache Tomcat servlet container embedded)

  • Installs the MySQL 5.5 database (Optional with Partial Turnkey option)

  • Starts Configuration Manager

  • Configures and assembles the EAR files in either express mode or custom mode

  • Deploys AEM forms on JEE to JBoss

  • Initializes the database (either the Local MySQL database or, with the Partial Turnkey option, the remote database)

  • Deploys required AEM forms on JEE components to JBoss.

  • Configures selected modules

You can also run the turnkey install in the command line mode. You can use this option if you are installing AEM forms on JEE on a computer that does not support a GUI. You can also use the command line option to uninstall AEM forms on JEE.

// Ethnio survey code removed