
Controls validation against the display picture clause.

The formatTest property can be used for validations. The formatTest property is not evaluated on null fields. The formatTest property can be an evaluated context during the lifetime of a form, such as when focus leaves a field.

To differentiate between nullTest and scriptTest , use formatTest to check the value of the field in question. If it is null or empty, the validation failed as a result of a nullTest validation.


Reference_Syntax.formatTest = "warning | disabled | error"





  • disabled

  • error

  • warning (default)

  • dismiss: The user understands the message and wants to return to the form to satisfy this constraint.

  • override: The user understands the message, but chooses to contravene this constraint.

Do not perform any test. The form object is permitted to have a value that does not conform to the picture clause. The field can be left with a non-conforming value and it will not invalidate the form.

  • error

  • warning (default)

  • dismiss: The user understands the message and wants to return to the form to satisfy this constraint.

  • override: The user understands the message, but chooses to contravene this constraint.

Emit a message and refuse to accept data that does not fit the picture clause. The form object must conform to a picture clause.

  • warning (default)

  • dismiss: The user understands the message and wants to return to the form to satisfy this constraint.

  • override: The user understands the message, but chooses to contravene this constraint.

Emit a message if the data does not fit the picture clause, but allow the user to proceed to the next field. The message must inform the user that the form object should have a value that conforms to the picture clause. It must provide two choices:

  • dismiss: The user understands the message and wants to return to the form to satisfy this constraint.

  • override: The user understands the message, but chooses to contravene this constraint.

Applies to


XFA 2.1


Set the validation pattern if has not already been defined.


TextField1.validate.picture.value = "A9A 9A9"; 
TextField1.validate.formatTest = "error";


TextField1.validate.picture = "A9A 9A9" 
TextField1.validate.formatTest = "error" 

// Ethnio survey code removed