
Determines the y coordinate of a given form design object relative to its parent object.


Reference_Syntax.y( OBJECT param1 [, STRING param2 [, INTEGER param3 ] ] )



The fully qualified reference syntax expression of one of the following container XML Form Object Model objects: area , contentArea , draw , field , pageArea , subform .

param2 (Optional)

A string representing the unit type of the return value. If left blank, the default unit type is points.

param3 (Optional)

An integer representing a zero-based index value indicating the content area in which you want to obtain the object’s y coordinate. If left blank, the default value is 0 .

This parameter allows you to calculate the y coordinate of an object that is distributed across multiple content areas, such as pages. For example, if you want to find the absolute y positioning of a subform object that spans multiple content areas, you would use this parameter to enumerate the y coordinate of the subform in each of the content areas and add the totals together.

If the object for which you want to calculate a y coordinate is nested within several layers of parent objects, you must factor in the y coordinate of each parent object when computing the actual y coordinate of the object.


The y coordinate of the form design object as a double.


XFA 2.1



// Returns the y coordinate of a single instance of TextField1, relative to 
// its parent object. 
// Calculates the y coordinate of Subform1 across two content areas and 
// displays the total in a message box. 
var iY = xfa.layout.y(Subform1,"in",0) + xfa.layout.y(Subform1,"in",1); 


// Returns the y coordinate of a single instance of TextField1, relative to 
// its parent object. 
// Calculates the y coordinate of Subform1 across two content areas and 
// displays the total in a message box. 
var iY = xfa.layout.y(Subform1,"in",0) + xfa.layout.y(Subform1,"in",1) 

// Ethnio survey code removed