
Retrieves data from the Flex dialog box started by designer.showFlexDialog(). The Flex dialog box can send data to Designer by calling an external interface:"setDialogString", "SomeVariableName", "VariableValue");

If the Flex dialog box makes this external call to Designer, after the dialog box is closed. "SomeVariableName" is available for inspection in the macro script through a call to designer.getDialogString(). In this particular example, the call would be designer.getDialogString("SomeVariableName") and the return value would be "VariableValue".


designer.getDialogString ( STRING param )



A valid string representing the name of the field to inspect. This field is only available for inspection if the form application built with Flex made the appropriate ExternalInterface call.


A valid string representing the value of sFieldName. Empty if the application built by Flex did not set that value.

// Ethnio survey code removed