The Script Editor is where you create, modify, and view the calculations
and scripts of a particular form. For example, you can use the Script
Editor to write a simple calculation that adds two numeric fields
or complex scripts that alter the appearance of the form based on
end-user actions. Designer supports scripting either in its own
scripting language called FormCalc or in JavaScript.
By default, the Script Editor appears at the top of the Designer
workspace, but you can dock it anywhere. It has both a single-line
view and a multiline view that you can switch between, depending
on your needs. Single-line view is designed to maximize the amount
of space dedicated to the Layout Editor and other palettes. Multiline
view is designed to maximize the amount of space for writing script.
Lists all form design events that support user-defined scripting.
Any events that do not apply to a particular object appear dimmed.
Events that contain a calculation or script display an asterisk
(*) beside the name of the event.
Show Events for Child Objects
the event you have currently selected in the Show list for the current
object and all of its child objects. If you select the uppermost
object in the Hierarchy palette, this option displays the event
you have currently selected in the Show list for all objects on
your form.
a list of available built-in FormCalc or JavaScript functions, depending
on the scripting language you currently have selected in the Language
To place a function onto your script editing field,
select a function from the list and press Enter.
Check Script Syntax
all of the scripts in a form for correct syntax and reports any
errors on the Warnings tab in the Report palette.
Specifies the scripting language you want to use for the
current calculation or script. Two options are available:
scripting language that is displayed in the Language list matches
the scripting language option you select as the default for new
forms in the Workspace panel in the Options dialog box. However,
if you change the scripting language setting for the current form
on the Defaults tab in the Form Properties dialog box, the scripting
language that is displayed in the Language list changes similarly
for any new scripts on new events. Changing the scripting language option
in the Form Properties dialog box does not change the scripting
language for existing scripts. If an event already contains script
and that script is deleted, the Script Editor continues to use that
same scripting language for the duration of your Designer working
Run At
Specifies where the calculation or script will execute. Three
options are available:
and scripts execute while the client application (for example, Acrobat,
Adobe® Reader®,
or a web browser) processes the form.
Calculations and scripts execute while the
server application (for example, forms generator processes the form.
Client and server
Calculations and scripts execute
while the server application (for example, Forms) processes the
form, except in cases where the HTML client application supports
client-side scripting. For example, a script that accesses a database
to prefill data on a form.
Event Propagation
To see the Event Propagation checkbox go to Tools > Options
dialog and in the Workspace tab, select the Display Event Propagation Option
You can make your scripts global, by enabling event
propagation in the Script Editor. The setting allows form events
to propagate to ancestor containers. Event propagation can reduce
the number of scripts in a form. For example, you can create a global
script to control the appearance of invalid fields, subforms, or exclusion
groups. A few examples of global events are: