Subform Set Sample

The Subform Set sample demonstrates the behavior of a dynamic PDF form. Four samples demonstrate the instantiation behavior of the Subform Set object according to the varying relationships of the subform type and occurrence values. The sample form contains numbered notes represented as black circles with white numbers. The notes are explained in About the Subform Set output .

The sample includes these files:







Designer form file located in the Forms folder



XML data files located in the Data folder

SubformSet1 DataA.pdf

SubformSet1 DataB.pdf

SubformSet2 DataA.pdf

SubformSet2 DataB.pdf

SubformSet3 DataA.pdf

SubformSet3 DataB.pdf

SubformSet4 DataA.pdf

SubformSet4 DataB.pdf

Rendered forms with merged data located in the Outputs folder

To run the Subform Set sample

  1. Open one of the forms in the Forms folder, located in \EN\Samples\Forms\SubformSet, in Designer.

  2. To specify the preview options, select File > Form Properties.

  3. Click the Preview tab and do the following tasks:

    • In the Preview Type list, select Print Form (Two-sided).

    • In the Data File box, browse to the Data folder and select one of the sample data files (for example DataA.xml).

    • Click OK.

  4. To preview the form, click the Preview PDF tab.

The output sample PDF files in the Outputs folder show the rendered forms merged with each of the two sets of data. Use these files to compare to the results of the previewed form.

About the Subform Set output

These numbered comments correspond to the numbered black-circle icons on the Subform Set sample form.

1. Data
Two sample data files are available for this sample. This section provides the name of the data file merged with the form along with the content of the data file. This information is useful for comparing the data displayed in section 3, “Subform Relationship”.

2. Subform Occurrence
Each form contains three subforms. This section provides the minimum count and maximum occurrence values of the subforms. The occurrence values are specified in the Binding tab of the Object palette.

Subform specifications per form






Min Count = 0 Max =-1*

Min Count = 0 Max = -1*

Min Count = 0 Max = -1*


Min Count = 0 Max = 1

Min Count = 0 Max = 1

Min Count = 0 Max = 1


Min Count = 1 Max = 1

Min Count = 1 Max = 1

Min Count = 1 Max = 1


Min Count = 2 Max = 2

Min Count = 1 Max = 1

Min Count = 3 Max = 3

* The Max value is unlimited when the Repeat Subform for Each Data Item option in the Binding tab of the Object palette is selected.

3. Subform Relationship
The third section contains three columns used to compare the layout of the subforms inside different relationship types:





Use All Subforms in Order

The subforms are instantiated in the order in which they are declared in the form. This has the effect of potentially reordering the content to satisfy the form order.


Select One Subform from Alternatives

The subforms are exclusive of each other, and only one subform may be instantiated. The determination of which subform to instantiate is based on the data.

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