To create a form that has a flowable layout, you must organize
the sections into subforms to merge with data. Subforms are objects
that act as containers for other objects, including fields, boilerplate
objects, and other subforms. They help to position objects relative
to each other and provide structure in form designs that have a
flexible layout.
In the Hierarchy palette, select all the items that appear
above the table.
Select Insert > Wrap in Subform.
Select the (untitled Subform), right-click, and select Rename
and press Enter.
To ensure that the Header subform has space above it, make
sure that the Layout palette is displayed and, in the Height box
under Size & Position, type
Collapse all the items in the hierarchy.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all the items below the table (total
to SignatureField1) and rename this new (untitled Subform)
To ensure that there is space before the Footer subform,
make sure that the Layout palette is displayed and, in the Top box
under Margins, type
This is what
you should see in the Hierarchy palette if you collapse everything under
Click to continue:
Formatting the footer