Creating the form design with the translated text

After you receive the translated XLIFF file, enter the following string at the command prompt to create the translated form design:

java -jar saxon8.jar MyForm.s2x mergestrings.xslt xdpFile=MyForm.xdp > MyFormTranslated.xdp

MyForm.s2x is the translated XLIFF file, MyForm.xdp is the name of original form design, and MyFormTranslated.xdp is the translated form design.

The result is a master form design ( MyForm.xdp ) and a translated form design ( MyFormTranslated.xdp ) that you can make available to users.

If you must change the form design, edit the master form design and then repeat the steps above to produce a new XLIFF file.

We provide the example mergestrings.xslt style sheet, which creates a new version of the form design in the new language.

// Ethnio survey code removed