To make a table optional

Making a table optional is useful when you do not want to display information contained in a table or when no data is available to display in the table.

  1. Connect to a data source. See Connecting to a data source .

    You must connect to a data source, such as an XML schema, to be able to show data in the table.

  2. Select a data file. See To preview a form using sample data .

    You must select a data file to view and test the form with the data.

  3. Ensure that the table is in a subform that is set to Flowed.

  4. Select the table in which the number of rows change depending on how much information is in the data source. See To select a table, row, column, cell, or section .

    If you select a table that has a fixed number of rows and columns and make it optional, the header row is repeated for each data item. To change this table to one in which the number of rows will change according to the data, deselect Repeat Row For Each Data Item for the header row but select Repeat Row For Each Data Item for the body row.

  5. In the Object palette, click the Binding tab and select Repeat Table For Each Data Item.

  6. Deselect Min Count.

  7. View the form in the Preview PDF tab.

    If you have not connected to a data source, the table should not appear. If you have bound the cells in a table to a data source and there is data for the bound cells, the table should appear.

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