You can use a keyboard to restore, move, size, dock, undock,
and close palettes.
To open a palette menu using the keyboard, tab to the palette
and press Ctrl + Spacebar.
To restore the size of a docked or undocked palette,
press Ctrl + Spacebar + R.
To move a palette, press Ctrl + Spacebar + M. Press the arrow
keys to position the palette. Press Enter to complete the move.
Press ESC to exit move mode and return the palette to the original
To size a palette, press Ctrl + Spacebar + S. Press the arrow
keys to change the palette size. Press Enter to complete the sizing.
Press ESC to exit sizing mode and return the palette to the original
dimensions. When you size the width of a palette on the left or
right docking areas, you resize the docking area and all palettes
in the area. When you size the height of a palette in the top or
bottom docking areas, you resize the docking area and all palettes
in the area.
To dock a palette, press Ctrl + Spacebar+ D. Palette moves
to the last docked location.
To undock a palette, press Ctrl + Spacebar + U. Palette moves
to the last floating location.
To close a palette, press Ctrl + Spacebar + C.
To size the Data View Info area
Select the Data View palette, and type Ctrl+M.
Select Show Info, by typing the letter S.
Press Ctrl+M.
Select Size Info Area, by typing the letter I.
Size the Info Area, using the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys.
Press Enter to complete the sizing.
To size the Object Library Preview area
Select the Object Library palette, and type Ctrl+M.
Select Show Object Preview, by typing the letter S.
Type Ctrl+M.
Select Size Object Preview, by typing the letter I.
Size the Object Preview area, using the Up Arrow or Down
Arrow keys.
Press Enter to complete the sizing.
To size the Fragment Library Preview area
Select the Fragment Library palette, and press
Select Show Fragment Preview, by typing the letter S.
Press Ctrl+M.
Select Size Fragment Preview, by typing the letter I.
Size the Fragment Preview area, using the Up Arrow or Down
Arrow keys.
Press Enter to complete the sizing.