Use this dialog box to specify the properties
for determining characteristics of the database connection.
Specifies the user for authentication when connecting to
the database.
Specifies the password for authentication when connecting
to the database.
Connect Timeout
Indicates how long to wait while establishing a connection before
terminating the attempt and generating an error.
Query Timeout
Indicates how long to wait for the database to return the
results of an SQL query before terminating the attempt and generating
an error.
Delayed Open
When selected, Designer does not automatically connect the data
source when loading the form. Select this option when the form requires input
from the user before it tries to connect, for example, when it requires
a user ID and password.
Cursor Type
Indicates the type of cursor used when opening a Recordset object.
Cursor Location
Indicates the cursor location. You can select a client or
server-side location.
Lock Type
Indicates the type of locking to use when the form is opened.
BOF Action
Indicates what action will be taken when moving to a record
that moves beyond the first beginning of file (BOF) record of the
data source. For example, stay on the invalid record, move back
to the last good record, or wrap around.
EOF Action
Indicates what action will be taken when moving to a record
that moves beyond the last end of file (EOF) record of the data
source. For example, stay on the invalid record, move back to the
last good record, or wrap around.