Equality and inequality

Equality and inequality expressions return the result of an equality comparison of its operands.


Character representation



== eq

True (1) when both operands compare identically, and false (0) if they do not compare identically.


<> ne

True (1) when both operands do not compare identically, and false (0) if they compare identically.

The following special cases also apply when using equality operators:

  • If either operand is null, a null comparison is performed. Null-valued operands compare identically whenever both operands are null, and compare differently whenever one operand is not null.

  • If both operands are references, both operands compare identically when they both refer to the same object, and compare differently when they do not refer to the same object.

  • If both operands are string valued, a locale-sensitive lexicographic string comparison is performed on the operands. Otherwise, if they are not both null, the operands are promoted to numeric values, and a numeric comparison is performed.

These are examples of using the equality and inequality expressions:



3 == 3

1 (true)

3 <> 4

1 (true)

"abc" eq "def"

0 (false)

"def" ne "abc"

1 (true)

5 + 5 == 10

1 (true)

5 + 5 <> "10"

0 (false)

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