A while expression is an iterative
statement or loop that evaluates a given simple expression. If the
result of the evaluation is true (1), FormCalc repeatedly examines
the do condition and returns the results of the expression lists.
If the result is false (0), then control passes to the next statement.
A while expression is particularly well-suited to situations
in which conditional repetition is needed. Conversely, situations
in which unconditional repetition is needed are often best dealt
with using a for expression.
while ( simple expression ) do
expression list
The result of the list of expressions associated
with the do condition.
In the following example, the values of the elements are added
to a drop-down list from an XML file using the addItem method for
all of the XML elements listed under list1 that are not equal to
var List = ref(xfa.record.lists.list1)
var i = 0
while ( List.nodes.item(i+1).value ne "3")do
$.addItem (List.nodes.item(i).value,List.nodes.item(i+1).value)
i = i + 2