3.2 Installing WebLogic Server

The following procedure details how to install WebLogic Server. It is assumed that you downloaded and extracted the installation file to an installation directory, and opened a system terminal and navigated to that directory.

Perform the following tasks to install WebLogic Server:

  • Install the WebLogic Server software.

  • Create the WebLogic domain.

  • (Optional) Create a boot.properties file to enable WebLogic Server, which allows you to start the server without manually entering the user name and password at the command line.

Note: The steps to install WebLogic remain the same for all cluster nodes. However, you can designate any node as the admin server of the cluster. WebLogic Administration Server is required to be running only on one node of the cluster and not on all the nodes.

To install WebLogic Server software:

  1. Log on to the computer where you will install WebLogic Server as a user with administrator privileges.

  2. Run the installation program that is applicable for your operating system:

    (WebLogic Server on 64-bit Windows, Linux, or Solaris) wls<version number>_generic.jar

    Note: The 64- bit version of WebLogic requires that you download and install the 64-bit JDK (JRockit Java 6 (R28)). The 64-bit JDK files for WebLogic are available at http://www.oracle.com/bea/index.html?CNT=index.htm&FP=/content/products/weblogic/jrockit/ .
    Note: For the Solaris 64-bit JDK, first install the 32-bit JDK (Sun Java 6) from Sun Java SE Downloads . After installing the 32-bit JDK, download and install the 64-bit patch corresponding to that JDK.
  3. Complete the steps of the installation wizard, accepting the default options presented.

  4. In the Installation Complete window, deselect Run Quickstart and click Done .

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 on each computer in the cluster.

Note: While installing AEM forms on Windows, you can create a Node Manager Service. To create such service, ensure that you use the same windows account to install the Web Logic Application Server, create the Node Manager Service, install AEM forms, and run Configuration Manager (LCM). Also ensure that the Windows account has read and write access on all the directories required for configuration.

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