9.1.2 Configuring the Apache HTTP server plug-in

To configure the Apache HTTP server plug-in, modify the configuration file.

To configure the Apache HTTP server plug-in:

  1. Using a text editor, open [APACHE_HOME] \conf\httpd.conf and add the following line:

    LoadModule weblogic_module modules\mod_wl_20.so
  2. Add an IfModule block as follows:

    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c> 
    WebLogicCluster <Server1>:8001,<Server2>:8001 
    MatchExpression * 
    Note: If computer names do not work, use the IP addresses. Add any additional computer names to the list, separating each using a comma.
  3. Start/restart Apache HTTP server.

    Note: If your cluster implements SSL, see Using Web Server Plug-ins withWebLogic Server for information about configuring the Apache plug-in using SSL.

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