8.15 Configure the ContentRepositoryConnector service

By default, the ContentRepositoryConnector service is configured to use URL http://localhost:8080/lc/crx/server/. Perform the following steps to configure the service for your environment:

  1. Log in to AEM forms Admin UI using credentials administrator/password. The default URL of Admin UI is http://[IP]:[Port]/adminui.

  2. Navigate to Services > Application and Services > Service Management.

  3. Search and open the ContentRepositoryConnector service for editing.

  4. Open the Configuration tab and replace the default URL in the Experience Management Server field with the URL of your environment.

    IP address of the machine on which application server is running.

    Port number which AEM forms is using. The default port number for JBoss, WebLogic, and WebSphere 8080, 8001, and 9080 in the respective order.

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