Configuring the data source files

Before you configure the SQL Server data source, you must have already created the AEM forms database on SQL Server. (See Preparing to Install AEM forms (Server Cluster) .)

To modify the Microsoft SQL server data source file:

  1. Open the [appserver root] /domain/configuration/domain_mssql.xml file in a text editor and locate these lines:

  2. Replace the following text with values that are specific to your database:

    • localhost : The name, IP address, or fully qualified path of the computer that hosts the database. The default is localhost .

    • 1433 : The port that is used used to access the database. The default port is 1433 .

    • adobe : The name of the database that stores the AEM forms data. You will need to update the default value adobe with your database name.

  3. In the <user-name> and <password> tags, specify the user name and password that the application server uses to access the database. You will need to update the default values adobe and adobe with the credentials for your database.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the remaning elements in IDP_DS , EDC_DS , and DefaultDS

  5. Save the file.

To configure Integrated Security on Windows:

  1. Modify the domain_mssql.xml file, located in [appserver root] /domain/configuration, to add integratedSecurity=true to the connection URL, as in this example:

  2. Add the sqljdbc_auth.dll file to the Windows systems path (C:\Windows) on the computer that is running JBoss. The sqljdbc_auth.dll file is located with the Microsoft SQL JDBC 4.0 driver installation. You can download the driver from Microsoft Website.

  3. Open the properties for the JBoss for AEM forms service and click the Log On tab.

  4. Select This Account and type the value of a valid user account. This change is not required if you are running JBoss from the command line.

  5. Change SQL Server’s Security from Mixed mode to Windows Authentication only.

// Ethnio survey code removed