6.2 Verify the AEM forms cluster

  1. Ensure that all application server instances of the cluster are started.

  2. View the Gemfire.log file, located in the directory appropriate to your application server:

    • Jboss: [lc_temp_dir] /adobejb_[idp_server_name]/caching

      Note: idp_server_name is the value of the JVM argument -Dadobeidp.serverName passed to the JBoss instance.
  3. Messages such as the following confirm that the cache is connected to all servers of the cluster:

        [info 2008/01/22 14:24:31.109 EST GemfireCacheAdapter <UDP mcast 
        receiver> nid=0x5b611c24] Membership: received new view 
        [server-0:2916|1] [server-0:2916/2913, server-1:3168/3165]  
        [info 2008/01/22 14:24:31.125 EST GemfireCacheAdapter <View Message 
        Processor> nid=0x7574d1dc] DMMembership: admitting member 
        <server-1:3168/3165>; now there are 2 non-admin member(s)
Note: Ensure that the number of non-admin members (two in the example log entry above) matches the number of members in your cluster. A discrepancy indicates that some members of the cluster are not connected to the cache.

// Ethnio survey code removed