4.2.5 General installation notes

  • On Windows, improve the speed of installation by disabling any on-access virus scanning software during installation.

  • If you are installing on UNIX-based systems and are not installing directly from a release DVD, set executable permissions on the installation file.

  • To avoid permission issues during deployment, ensure that you run the AEM forms on JEE installer and Configuration Manager as the same user who will run the application server.

  • If you are installing on UNIX-based computers, the installation directory you specify should not contain any spaces.

  • If errors occur during installation, the installation program creates the install.log file, which contains the error messages. This log file is created in the [aem-forms root] /log directory.

  • Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the directory that contains a compatible JDK. See the supported platform combinations for more information.

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