6.4 Configure Author and Publish instance

Perform the following tasks to configure Author and Publish instance.

6.4.1 Configure the Author instance

The Author instance is embedded within the AEM forms on JEE server. This implies that you do not need to make any configuration updates to the Author instance. The instance inherits all the configuration settings from the AEM forms on JEE instance.

6.4.2 Configure the Publish instance

You must run separate author and publish instances.You can configure the two instances on the same or on different machines.

Note: Before configuring the publish instance, ensure that your author instance is configured and deployed. You can verify it by successfully logging in to the Author instance.
Note: The cluster topology is not recommended for the publish instance. Use a single publish instance or configure a farm of publish instances.
Note: By default, the publish instance is configured to run the mode similar to corresponding author instance. The mode can be TarMK, MongoMK or RDBMK. It is recommended to run the publish instance on TarMK mode.

If MongoMK is selected as CRX Repository type in the Configuration Manager

  1. Copy the adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear file on your publish instance from the author instance. The default location of the file on the author instance is [aem-forms root]/configurationManager/export.

  2. Open the adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear/cq.war/web.xml for editing.

  3. Search the following argument and delete the value in bold:

    <param-value>crx3, crx3mongo ,publish</param-value>

    The modified argument would be similar to the following:


  4. Search and delete the following code:


If RDBMK is selected as CRX Repository type in the Configuration Manager

  1. Copy the adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear file on your publish instance from the author instance. The default location of the file on the author instance is [aem-forms root]/configurationManager/export.

  2. Open the adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear/cq.war/web.xml for editing.

  3. Search the following argument and delete the value in bold:

    <param-value>crx3, crx3rdb ,publish</param-value>

    The modified argument would be similar to the following:


Configure the Publish Node

  1. Create a new appserver profile for the publish instance on the same or on a different machine.

  2. On the author instance, navigate to the [ aem-forms root ]/configurationManager/export/ directory.

  3. Copy the adobe-livecycle-cq-publish.ear file and deploy it to the appserver profile created in step 1.

  4. Copy the content of the [ aem-forms root ]/configurationManager/export/crx-quickstart directory to the file server for the publish instance.

  5. (For RDBMK only) Delete the following files from the install directory copied to the publish instance:

    • org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.cfg

    • org.apache.sling.datasource.JNDIDataSourceFactory-oak.cfg

  6. Start the publish server with -Dcom.adobe.livecycle.crx.home=< location for crx-repository > parameter, where < location for crx-repository > is the location where you copied the crx-repository directory for the publish instance. For example, ifthe content of the cq-quickstart directory are copied to the C:\CM-publish\crx-repository directory, then the <location for crx-repository> parameter will be Dcom.adobe.livecycle.crx.home=C:\CM-publish\crx-repository.

Note: If author and publish instances are on the same machine, ensure that you start the publish instance using a different port.

Now that the publish instance is up and running, you need to configure the two instances to communicate with each other.

Important: Ensure that the CRX repository path does not contain spaces.

6.4.3 Communicating between the Author and Publish instances

You need to perform certain configuration changes to enable two-way communication between the Author and Publish instances. Define Publish instance URL

  1. Go to http://< authorHost >:< authorPort >/lc/etc/replication/agents.author/publish.html.

  2. Click Edit . The Agent Settings dialog opens.

  3. Click the Transport tab and specify the URL to the publish server in the URI field.

    http://< publishHost >:< publishPort >/lc/bin/receive?sling:authRequestLogin=1
    Note: If there are multiple publish instances managed by a Load Balancer, specify the URL to the load balancer in the URI field.
  4. Click OK .

Note: For author clusters, these steps need to be performed on one author instance (preferably a master instance). Define publish instance URL for ActivationManagerImpl

  1. Go to http://< authorHost >:< authorPort >/lc/system/console/configMgr. The default user name and password for logging in is admin and admin (same as CRX Administrator).

  2. Find and click the Edit icon next to the com.adobe.livecycle.content.activate.impl.ActivationManagerImpl.name setting.

  3. In the ActivationManager Publish URL field, specify the URL for the corresponding publish instance.

  4. Click Save . Configure reverse replication queue

  1. Go to http://< authorHost >:< authorPort >/lc/etc/replication/agents.author/publish_reverse.html.

  2. Click Edit . The Agent Settings dialog opens.

  3. Click the Transport tab and specify the URL to the corresponding publish server in the URI field.

    Note: If there are multiple publish instances managed by a Load Balancer, specify the URL to the load balancer in the URI field.
  4. Click OK . Define author instance URL

  1. Go to http://< publishHost >:< publishPort >/lc/system/console/configMgr. The default user name and password for logging in is admin and admin (same as CRX Administrator).

  2. Find and click the Edit icon next to the com.adobe.livecycle.content.activate.impl.VersionRestoreManagerImpl.name setting.

  3. In the VersionRestoreManager Author URL field, specify the URL for the corresponding author instance.

    Note: If there are multiple author instances managed by a Load Balancer, specify the URL to the load balancer in the VersionRestoreManager Author URL field.
  4. Click Save .

6.4.4 Configure IPv6 implementation

Note: Perform these steps only if the machine/server is using an IPv6 address.

To map the IPv6 address to a hostname on the server and client machines:

  1. Navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory.

  2. Open the hosts file in a text editor.

  3. Add a mapping for the IPv6 address to a host name. For example:

    2001:1890:110b:712b:d1d:9c99:37ef:7281 <ipv6_hostname>
  4. Save and close the file.

Ensure that you use the mapped host name instead of the IPv6 address to access the machine.

6.4.5 Install Japanese fonts for Adobe Reader

If your document fragements use Japanese fonts, you must install the Japanese Language Support Package for Adobe Reader. Otherwise, your letters and forms will not render and function properly. For installing language packs, visit the downloads page for Adobe Reader.

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