Panel properties

In the Guide Properties view, specify properties such as the effects and transitions, the submit method, and any panel Help.

When you select a panel in the Guide Tree view, the Guide Properties view displays several panel-level properties that you can specify:

Panel title

The title of the panel.

Repeating label

Specifies the label that is used for a repeating panel layout.


Specifies the layout to associate with the panel. Use repeater layouts to display repeating data inside a single panel. For example, to display the data for a data collection, which typically has more than one instance, you can use a Repeater Tab, Repeater Accordion, or Repeater Grid.

For information about creating a custom panel layout, see Creating Panel Layouts.

Hinweis: If you customize a repeater panel layout, the panel name must start with repeater. For example, the panel name can be RepeaterGrid_Custom.mxml, but it cannot be Custom_RepeaterGrid.mxml.

To include a document with a Guide, you must also set the corresponding Document-style presentation or Interactive PDF properties for the Guide. (See (Deprecated) Include documents with a Guide and Guide properties.)

Several panel layouts are available:

Display Document
Displays a read-only document of record when the Guide filler navigates to the panel.

Display PDF
Displays an interactive PDF document when the Guide filler navigates to the panel. Only Guides based on an XDP form can display an interactive PDF document.

Model Viewer:
A panel layout that you can add to any Guide to inspect the XML data object model and the data model. (See Debugging with the Model Viewer layout.)

Multi Column:
Has up to four columns. Controls flow from top to bottom in each column and then from left to right to the next column.

Nested Panels:
Nests the selected panel under a radio button or a check box when the Guide filler selects a button or check box. The panel disappears when the button or check box is deselected. Displays a panel based on the display rules of the original panel and automatically hides the panels from the navigation panel.

One Column:
The default layout that is applied when you add a panel. The controls flow from the top to the bottom of the column.

Pie Chart - Horizontal:
Organizes the Guide tree into four distinct areas:
  • Header: A two-column list of controls whose data is not part of the pie chart.

  • Entry Pane: An optional one-column list of controls whose data is included in the pie chart.

  • Chart Panel: Shows the data from the controls that are added to the Guide tree.

  • Trailer: An additional control that occurs after charts in the Guide tree.

Repeater Accordion:
Displays repeating information by using an accordion. One accordion button is available for each repeating instance. Repeater Accordions include Repeater First Column, Repeater Second Column, and Trailer areas.

Repeater Grid:
Displays repeating information in a grid. Repeater Grids do not support headers or footers. A grid has one column for each item in the panel. The captions for the repeating fields are used as column headings. Repeater Grids include Repeater First Column, Repeater Second Column, and Trailer areas.

Repeater Tab:
Displays repeating fields by using tabs. One tab is available for each repeating instance. Repeater Tabs include Repeater First Column, Repeater Second Column, and Trailer areas.

Three Columns:
Has three columns. The controls flow from left to right and are distributed equally among the three columns. The controls are positioned in this order: first column, second column, third column, first column, second column, third column, and so on.

Two Columns:
Has two columns. The controls flow from left to right and are distributed equally between the two columns. The controls are positioned in this order: first column, second column, first column, second column, and so on.

Variable Column:
Allows you to create layouts that can vary the number of columns of each row of items. On the editor, place items either to the right of another item or below another item. If you place an item to the right of another item, it is marked with “keep with previous” 'true'. If you place the item below another item, it is marked with “keep with previous” 'false'.

This layout supports alignment areas, which appear in the Guide Tree view. Items in the same alignment area align both horizontally (columns align) and vertically (rows align). Each alignment area aligns independently. In the Guide Tree view, when you drag an item into the last alignment area of the layout, another alignment area is created. To prevent items from aligning with the previous columns, create a different alignment area. Creating an alignment area allows items to span the previous rows. For example, an address field can span the length of the first and last name fields in the previous row.

The Variable Column layout also supports percentage widths. The percentage width setting of the first item in each column of an alignment area controls the percentage width of that column for that alignment area. One alignment area can have a percentage column width of 25% and 25% for the first two columns, followed by another alignment area with a column width of 50%. Using these percentage widths allows items in the first column of the second alignment area to span both columns of the first alignment area. You can also use fixed widths to achieve the spanning effect.

Advanced Layout Properties

Displays the Advanced Properties dialog box. The dialog box lists additional properties that are available for the selected panel Layout, and includes properties for custom layouts. Select the properties that you want to add to the Guide Properties view for the current panel. The selected properties appear in the Advanced Properties section below. Configure the properties as required.

For information about the advanced properties, see the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform.

Display panel full size

Displays the panel in full size by hiding the navigation and Help panels.

Repeat based on

Specifies the collection in the Data Model view that provides the repeating data.

Repeating label

Specifies the label for the repeating data.

Default caption width (in pixels)

Specifies the default caption width for all fields in the selected panel. If the caption exceeds the specified width, the text wraps. By default, captions do not wrap. If no value is specified, all field captions do not wrap in the Guide. You can override the default caption width when you edit the field properties.

Advanced properties

Displays the properties selected on the Advanced Properties dialog box. Configure the properties as required.

For information about the advanced properties, see the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform.

Hinweis: Setting a rotation value removes captions from the Guide. When a Rotation value is set, the Guide filler cannot enter data in the control. When the control type is a drop-down list or a list box, setting a Rotation value also removes the list items from the Guide.

Display rules

Specifies the following display rules for the panel:

Specifies whether the panel is displayed in the Guide. Selecting this option displays the panel. When you bind an item in the Data Model view, specify the condition that determines when the panel appears in the Guide.

Specifies that Guide fillers cannot edit fields on the current panel. When you bind an item in the Data Model view, specify the condition that determines when the fields on a panel are read-only.

Specifies that Guide fillers are required to fill all fields on the current panel. When you bind an item in the Data Model view, specify the condition that determines when the panel items are required.

Panel Help

Specifies the Help contents that appear in the selected panel. You can format the text and add links and videos to the contents.

Specifies the Help contents that appear in the selected panel. You can format the text and add links and videos to the contents.

Select font type :
Displays the font name for the selected text.

Select font size :
Displays the font size for the selected text.

Bold :
Applies or removes bold formatting to selected text.

Italic :
Applies or removes italic formatting to selected text.

Underline :
Applies or removes underline formatting to selected text.

Color :
Applies a color to the selected text. You can select a color from the color picker or type the hexadecimal value for the color.

Left align :
Aligns text to the left.

Center align :
Aligns text to the center.

Right align :
Aligns text to the right.

Spread justify :
Justifies the text.

Bullets :
Creates a bulleted list.

Remove rich content settings while retaining the text :
Removes rich text formatting but preserves the text. It also removes any image that may have been associated with the field.

Link to:
Specifies the URL for a link. The URL can use an absolute or a relative path. When the Guide filler clicks a link, the linked content appears in a separate browser window.

Show/Hide image settings :
Shows or hides the following image settings:

Specifies the URL for an image file. You can specify a URL to an image, or you can select an image file that is in your application. To remove the URL for an image, click the Remove button.
  • Position: Specifies the image position.

  • Width: Specifies the image width.

  • Horizontal pad: Specifies horizontal padding for the image.

  • Height: Specifies the image height.

  • Vertical pad: Specifies vertical padding for the image.

  • Scaling: When selected, maintains the aspect ratio.

Help video:
Specifies the URL for a video file. Help videos must be in FLV file format. Help videos work only with the Cobalt Standard and Cobalt Tree Guide layouts. Select a video file that is in your application. To remove the URL for a Help video, click the Remove button.