List source properties

In the Guide Properties view, specify the list items for a list source or retrieve the list items from an XML file. A list source provides the list items for a list control. Each list item has a label and data. Separating the labels from the data enables you to localize the list item labels, without changing the corresponding values.

Hinweis: If you configure a list control to update dynamically at runtime, when the list of selected items changes, the list resets to the first item. The Guide filler must select a new value from the new list.

To display the properties, in the Data Model view, right-click the list source and select Properties. The properties appear in the Guide Properties view.

The Guide Properties view displays several properties for the list source:

List Source Name:
Specifies the name of the list source.
  • Specify list items: Specifies the label and the data for each list item.
    • Add : Adds a list item.

    • Remove : Removes the list item.

    • Move Item Up : Moves the list item up in the list.

    • Move Item Down : Moves the list item down in the list.

  • Get list items from XML file: Specifies the XML file that contains the list source. The following example shows the format of the list source file. It includes the label and data for each list item:

    <model xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 
                <label xliff:rid="...">Bicycle Yellow</label> 
                <label xliff:rid="...">Bicycle Blue</label> 
    Hinweis: In the XML file, all tags must include an end tag, such as </items>.