Hinweis: Effective March 10, 2012, Adobe is deprecating the Guides
capabilities of Adobe® Livecycle® ES. The Guides functionality is available
for upgrade purposes only and will be removed from the product after
two major releases.
Provides operations that are useful
for integrating forms into processes, and enabling them for use
with Workspace. For example, Form Augmenter service operations are
useful in custom render and submit services for Form, Document Form,
or xfaForm variables.
In general, you would call Form Augmenter service operations
in the following order:
Retrieve the form as a document value,
for example, a PDF file.
Use the Insert Workflow XFO Data operation operation or Lookup and Insert Workflow XFO Data operation operation to insert values into
the form.
Merge data with the form by using the importData operation operation.
Enable the form for Workspace by using the Inject Form Bridge operation operation.
For more information about using the Form Augmenter service,
see Services Reference for Adobe LiveCycle.
Get value of a form field operationRetrieves a value from a field
on a form. The PDF form must be created within Designer 8.2 or later,
or Adobe Acrobat 7.0.5 or later.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.
Input propertiesProperties to specify the form and form field.
Input Form Data DocumentA document value that represents
the XDP data that is merged with the form.
If you provide
a literal value, clicking the ellipsis button opens
the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
Name Of Form FieldA string value that represents
the name of the field on a form. For example, in a form design,
in a field named mortgageAmount, you would type mortgageAmount.
Output propertiesProperty to store the value from a form field.
Value Of Form FieldThe location to save the value from a form
field. The data type is string.
Inject Form Bridge operationAdds JavaScript code to enable Flex applications
and AIR applications to communicate with the PDF form. The service
operation enables:
Adobe PDF form or Adobe Acrobat form to function with
Adobe PDF for Adobe Acrobat form to function with Guides.
Adobe PDF form to be used with the Document Portfolio Managementbuilding
block from the Unified Workspace Solution
If your process uses Adobe XML forms (XDP files), you can render
the form to PDF and then use the Inject Form Bridge operation. To
render to PDF, you use the renderPDFForm operation operation
that the Forms service provides. For more information on writing
JavaScript in Designer, see Preparing
a form for use in Workspace.
The functioning of the operation depending on the form: If the form already has a Form Bridge XFO component, JavaScript
would not be added to the form.
If the form is certified, the certification will break. The
form has to be certified only after adding the Form Bridge XFO component.
If the form is rights enabled, the encryption will not function.
The form has to be rights enabled only after adding the Form Bridge
XFO component.
If the form is digitally signed, the signature will be broken.
The form has to be digitally signed only after adding the Form Bridge
XFO component.
Workspace provides a Complete button that users click to submit
their forms. However, forms can also include submit buttons. When
the Inject Form Bridge operation is used on a form, Workspace hides
the submit button.
Form design
The form includes no submit button.
Workspace disables the Complete button and
users cannot submit the form. The form can be submitted without
the Submit button by enabling the Reader Submit option in the Assign
Task and Assign Multiple Tasks service operations. See Assign Task operation and Assign Multiple Tasks operationfor more information.
The form includes one submit button.
Workspace hides the submit button and enables
the Workspace Complete button.
The form includes a button (indirect submit)
that points to a submit button (direct submit)
buttons always take precedence over direct-submit buttons, even
if multiple submit buttons exist. Workspace always shows the indirect
submit buttons.
Workspace hides the submit button and enables
the Workspace Complete button.
The form includes multiple indirect-submit
buttons that point to one or more direct-submit buttons.
Workspace disables the Workspace Complete
button. The user must click the appropriate button on the form to
submit it.
The user can still save a draft version of the
form or take the form offline
The form includes either an indirect- or
direct-submit button in a repeating subform.
Workspace excludes these buttons for submitting
the form in Workspace.
Hinweis: When the Submit button that was added to the
form with the Process Fields form object is hidden, the button still
provides the functionality for submitting the form.
Submit requests are handled by Workspace, which acts as an intermediary between
the LiveCycle Server and the form which can be used both offline
and online. To understand more about designing your form for Workspace,
see Preparing
a form for use in Workspace.
Input propertiesProperties to enable the PDF form to be used in Workspace.
Input PDF DocumentA document value that specifies
the PDF form to which the Form Bridge will be injected.
you provide a literal value, clicking the ellipsis button opens
the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
Output propertiesProperties to specify the location to store the PDF form.
Augmented PDF DocumentThe location to save the augmented PDF document.
The data type is document.
Insert Workflow XFO Data operationAdds data fields to the form data,
which enables a PDF form created in Designer to be used offline
in Workspace. You cannot specify an Acrobat form.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.
Input propertiesProperties to specify the form data as an XDP (XML format)
data file.
Input Form Data DocumentAn xml value that refers to
the form data. This is formatted as an XDP (XML format) data file.
you provide a literal value, clicking the ellipsis button opens
the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
Submit Target UrlA string value that identifies
the location of the Workspace servlet used to handle submit requests
for a form.
If you provide a literal value, type the location
server name of the LiveCycle Server. For example, to access Workspace,
type http://[server name]:[port]/ /rest/services/ProcessManagementDocumentHandlingService/submit where [server name] specifies
the name of the LiveCycle Server and [port] specifies the
port number. The following default port numbers are used by LiveCycle
for each application server:
Task IdA string value that represents
the unique identifier of the task.
If you provide a literal
value, type the unique identifier representing the task.
Return Server Email AddressA string value that represents
the email address used by the LiveCycle Server.
If you provide
a literal value, type the email address used by the LiveCycle Server. For
example, you can type myadministrator@example.com.
Task StatusA string value that represents
the status of the assigned task.
If you provide a literal
value, type the status of the task using one of the following values.
- 1:
- Task was created.
- 2:
- Task was created and saved.
- 3:
- Task was assigned.
- 4:
- Task was assigned and saved.
- 100:
- Task was completed.
- 101:
- Task deadline has passed.
- 102:
- Task was terminated.
List of RoutesA string value represents a
list of routes that the user can choose from. A route represents
the actions that occur before the task is considered complete.
you provide a literal value, type the list of routes, delimited
by commas, that are to be selected by the user. For example, you
could type Accept, Deny, Cancel.
Assigned User IdA string value that represents
the Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of the user who is assigned
the task. You would typically use this to save the GUID of the user who
completed the task.
If you provide a literal value, type the
GUID that represents the user.
Output propertiesProperties to specify the location to store the modified
form data.
Modified Data DocumentThe location to save the modified form.
The data type is xml.
Lookup and Insert Workflow XFO Data operationEnables a PDF form created in
Designer to be used offline in Workspace. You cannot specify an
Acrobat form. The user profile assigned to submit the form, the list
of available routes, and the task status are determined by looking
up the information using the input Task Id value.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.
Input propertiesProperties to specify the form data as an Acrobat form
or an Adobe XML form.
Input Form Data DocumentAn xml value that refers to
the form data. This is formatted as an XDP data file.
If you
provide a literal value, clicking the ellipsis button opens the
Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
Submit Target UrlA string value that represents
the location of the Workspace servlet used to handle submit requests
for a form.
If you provide a literal value, type the location
server name of the LiveCycle Server. For example, to access Workspace,
type http://[server name]:[port]/rest/services/ProcessManagementDocumentHandlingService/submit where server name specifies
the name of the LiveCycle Server, and [port] specifies the
port. The following default port numbers are used by LiveCycle for
each application server.
Task IdA string value that represents
the unique identifier of the task.
If you provide a literal
value, type the unique identifier representing the task.
Return Server Email AddressA string value that represents
the email address used by the LiveCycle Server.
If you provide
a literal value, type the email address used by the LiveCycle Server. For
example, you can type myadministrator@sampleOrganization.com.
Output propertiesProperties to specify the location to store the modified
form data document.
Modified Data DocumentThe location to store the modified form
data. The data type is xml.
Remove Data Fields operationRemoves a set of data fields from the form
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.
Input propertiesProperties to specify the form data and fields to remove.
Input Data DocumentAn xml value that represents
the form data.
If you provide a literal value, clicking the
ellipsis button opens the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
Input Field MapA map value of sub-type string that
specifies the data fields to remove from the form data.
Output propertiesProperties to specify the location to store the modified
form data document.
Modified Data DocumentThe location to save a form data. The data
type is xml.
Form Augmenter exceptionsThe
Form Augmenter service provides the following exception for throwing exception
Java.lang.ExceptionThrown when an error occurs when augmenting a form.