the value of one or more data items in the process data model. For
example, you can set the value of a process variable, or you can
set the value of a form field. Use XPath expressions to specify
the data item and the value to set it to.
Variable data is persisted and available through the entire process.
You should avoid setting the value of the same variable from different
branches in a gateway. If branches in a gateway execute simultaneously
and write data to the same variable, one branch may overwrite important
data that was saved in the other branch.
Hinweis: If you are using Acrobat forms and are setting
the value of a field in an xfaForm, Document Form, or Form variable,
the expression can use a fully-qualified path or a relative path
to identify the field.
Hinweis: To create a node, you must use a fully-qualified
path. The path must include the node name fields as the form schema
root node.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.