Updates an existing item in an IBM Content
Manager repository.
For information about the General and Route Evaluation property
groups, see Common operation properties.
Login Settings propertiesProperties for specifying the login settings for invoking the
Content Repository Connector for IBM Content Manager service.
Login ModeA LoginMode (com.adobe.livecycle.connectorforibmcm.dsc.client.type.LoginMode)
value that represents how the operation will be authenticated with IBM
Content Manager. Valid values are Use Credentials From Process Context and Use User Credentials.
Hinweis: Use Credentials From Process Context works
only when both IBM Content Manager and LiveCycle are synchronized
to the same LDAP server.
If you provide a literal value,
select one of the following options.
- Use Credentials
From Process Context:
- Uses the LiveCycle User Management credential from the process
context for the IBM Content Manager authentication. The User Name,
Data Store, Password, and Connection String properties are not used.
Hinweis: To invoke a process with Workbench that uses this
operation, type the login name in the Username box using the format [User Name]@[Data Store]:[Connection String].
In this format, [User Name] identifies the
user ID, [Data Store] is the name of the
repository to connect to, and [Connection String] is
the list of options to use to connect to the repository.
- Use User Credentials:
- Uses the User Name and Password properties to authenticate
with IBM Content Manager. Ensure that the user name is valid for
the repository that is specified in the Data Store property for
this operation.
When this value is selected, provide values
for the Data Store, User Name, Password, and Connection String properties.
Data Store(Optional) A string value that specifies
the name of the data store that the user is to connect to.
field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to Use User Credentials.
you provide a literal value, type the name of the data store.
User Name(Optional) A string value that specifies
the user name to use when this operation is authenticated with IBM
Content Manager No default is provided.
This field is used
only when the Login Mode property is set to Use User Credentials.
you provide a literal value, type the user ID.
A string value that specifies
the password associated with the user name that is specified in
the User Name property. The password is used when this operation
is authenticated with IBM Content Manager. No default is provided.
field is used only when the Login Mode property is set to Use User Credentials.
you provide a literal value, type the password.
Connection String(Optional) A string value that specifies
additional options to use for connecting to IBM Content Manager,
such as SCHEMA=[schemaName], where [schemaName] is
a case-sensitive value that represents a schema.
If you provide
a literal value, type the additional connection options.
Item Update Settings propertiesProperties for the item to update in the repository.
PIDA string value that represents
the unique identifier (PID) of the item being updated. The PID (Persistent
Identifier) is an identifier used by the IBM Content Manager server
to uniquely identify all items.
If you provide a literal value,
type the value that represents the PID.
MIME TypeA string value that specifies
the MIME type of the item being updated in the repository. If the
item being updated is a folder, the value in this property is ignored.
you provide a literal value, type the value that represents the
MIME type.
Item Content(Optional) A document value that contains
the new content used to update an existing item in the repository.
If a value is not provided, the content of the item in the repository
is not updated.
If you provide a literal value, clicking the
ellipsis button displays
the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)
New VersionA boolean value that sets whether
to create a version of the item that is being updated.
you provide a literal value, select the New Version check box to
create a version when updating the item in the repository. Deselect
the check box to update the existing version of the item in the
repository. The default for the New Version check box is deselected.
Hinweis: This property is mandatory for the operation to
run correctly.
Meta-Data propertiesProperties to update the specified item with.
Item TypeA string value that represents
the item type of the item to update in the repository. The value
specified in this property is used to populate the map value
in the Attributes property so that you can assign values from process
variables to attributes for the item type. However, if the item
type is different from the item type of the item that is configured
in the PID property, this value is ignored.
If you provide
a literal value, type the value that represents the item type.
Hinweis: When no value is provided, no attributes are populated
in the map value in the Attributes property.
AttributesA map value for assigning process
variable values to an attribute of an item type. The process variables
that you map to attributes must be the same data type. For example,
if an attribute is of type string, it must be mapped
to a process variable of data type string. The
name of an attribute is used as the key.
If you provide a
literal value, the list of attributes in the table is based on the
item you specified in the Item Type property. You can select a process
variable from the Value column to assign to each attribute in the
Name column.
Hinweis: No value is provided for this
property when no value exists in the Item Type property.
Results propertiesProperties to store the results of the operation.
Document InformationThe attributes and contents of the item that
was updated. The data type is DocInfo.
location to store the value that represents the unique identifier
(PID) of the item that was updated. The PID (Persistent Identifier)
is an identifier used by the IBM Content Manager server to uniquely
identify all items. The data type is string.
Item TypeThe location to store the value that represents the
item type of the item that was updated. The data type is string.
Item VersionThe location to store the value that represents
the version of the item that was updated or created due to the update.
The data type is string.
Item ContentThe location to store the value that represents
the contents of the update item. The data type is document.
attribute names and values of the item type for the updated item.
The data type is map.