Protect Document operation

Secures the specified PDF or Microsoft Office document with an existing policy.

For information about the General and Route Evaluation property groups, see Common operation properties.

Input properties

Properties to specify the document to which to apply a policy, the document name, and the policy set. Optionally, you can specify the user profile and domain of the publisher and the document’s locale.

Input PDF or MS Office Document

A document value that represents the document to secure with the policy.

If you supply a literal value, click the ellipsis button  to open the Select Asset dialog box. (See About Select Asset.)

Document Name

A string value that contains the name of the document. This value can have a maximum length of 50 single-byte characters and represents the name of the document audited by the Rights Management service.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the document.

Policy Set Name

(Optional) A string value that specifies the policy set to use to secure the document. The value My Policies is used if a policy set name is not provided.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the policy set.

Policy Name

A string value that specifies the name of the policy to use to secure the document.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the policy.

Publisher Username

(Optional) A string value that represents the canonical name of the User Manager user who is the publisher of the document. The Document Publisher controls the policy associated with a document. The Document Publisher’s identity is used to apply a policy to a document. It also has special permissions to remove a policy from a document or switch a policy on a document.

To use this property, specify a value for the Publisher Domain property as well.

For long-lived services, both Publisher Username and Publisher Domain values are required.

For short-lived services, if you do not provide values, the user name and domain are picked up from the user account that is used to invoke the process.

If you provide a literal value, type the publisher’s user profile.

Publisher Domain

(Optional) A string value that represents the name of the User Manager domain of the user who is the publisher of the document.

To use this property, specify a value for the Publisher Username property as well.

For long-lived services, specify both Publisher Username and Publisher Domain values.

If you provide a literal value, type the name of the publisher’s domain.


(Optional) A string value that represents the locale of the policy-protected MS Office file. Set the locale for MS Office documents only to ensure that an appropriate template document is displayed to users. Template documents inform users to install a plug-in. The default value is en.

If you provide a literal value, select en, fr, ja, or de.

For information about the plug-in, see the Rights Management Extension Help.

Output properties

Properties that specify the document to which the policy is applied.


(Optional) The policy-protected document. The data type is string.

If you provide a variable, select a variable from the ProtectedDocument list. Click the plus sign button  to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).


(Optional) The identifier of the policy used to secure the document. The data type is string.

If you provide a variable, select a variable from the PolicyID list. Click the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).


(Optional) The identifier of the policy-protected document. The data type is string.

If you provide a variable, select a variable from the DocumentID list. Click the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).


(Optional) The MIME type of the policy-protected document. The data type is string. Used for MS Office documents only.

If you provide a variable, select a variable from the MimeType list. Click the plus sign button to display the Variable dialog box to create a variable. (See Creating variables).


This operation can throw an SDKException exception.