About XSLT Source Text Input and Testing

The XSLT Source Text Input and Testing dialog box lets you specify the XSLT script to use for transforming the XML source. You can also test the transformation and see the result.


Use this tab to specify the XSLT script to use to transform the XML source. The text that you provide is also used for testing purposes.

You can type directly in the text editing area, or paste the script (right-click the editing area and click Paste).

Test XML

Use this tab to provide the XML code to use for testing the XSLT script that you provided on the XSLT tab.

You can type directly in the text editing area, or paste the script (right-click the editing area and click Paste).

Test Result

Use this tab to apply the XSLT script to the test XML.

Click Test to transform the test XML. The resulting XML appears on the Text tab. The rendered HTML appears on the HTML tab.

To clear the test results, click Clear.