Upgrade a form guide created with Designer ES (version 8.x)

You can upgrade form guides created with LiveCycle Designer ES (version 8.x) to the Guides format in Workbench. In Designer ES (version 8.x), form guides were created based on an XDP or PDF form.

In Designer, several form guides could be created for each form. If a form contains several form guides, upgrade each form guide individually.

Hinweis: You cannot preview an upgrade Guide that includes the following characters in the Guide Title: \ / : * ? “ < > |

Compile custom components

If the form guide includes custom components, recompile the custom library file (SWC). You need the original source files used to create the custom component. The original author can simply open the Flex library project and change the SDK that is used for compiling.

Alternatively, if you have the source files, create a Flex library project, recompile the SWC file, and then copy the source into the project. For information about creating a Flex library file and compiling custom components, see Creating Flex Library Projects for Custom Guides.

Compile two versions of each SWC file in Flash Builder:

  • For the runtime Guide, compile the extensions SWC file with the Flex 4.5 SDK.

  • For the design-time Guide, compile the extensions SWC file with the Flex 4.1 SDK. Add “_designtime” to the filename. For example, if the runtime file is named myextensions.swc, name the design-time file myextensions_designtime.swc.

    Wichtig: Save both SWC files in the same folder.

After the source is recompiled import the custom library file (SWC) into a Workbench application.

Import assets into Workbench

Before you migrate a form guide, import the XDP or PDF form and any assets it references into your Workbench application.

Import the following assets into Workbench:

  • XDP or PDF form: The form becomes the data model for the Guide. The form guide that you want to migrate is inside the form, and is imported with the form.

  • Custom style (SWC): If the form guide includes a custom style file in SWC format, import the SWC file. When you migrate the form guide, the SWC file is migrated to the SWF file format. If the style migration is unsuccessful, the Guide uses the default style that is associated with the Guide layout. Select the Guide layout in the Guide Properties view.

  • Custom library (SWC): Before you import the custom library that contains the custom components, recompile it using the Flex 4.5 SDK.

  • Sample data file (XML): You can use a sample data file to preview the Guide.

  • Help video (FLV): In Designer ES (version 8.x), the Help Video was referenced by a URL or a relative path. In Workbench, Guides must use relative paths for videos. If your form guide referenced a Help video with a URL, copy the video to a Workbench application, and then reference it in the Guide properties.

  • Form fragments (XDP or PDF): A fragment is a reusable part of a form. It is stored in the file system as a separate XDP file that can be inserted into multiple forms.

  • Images: In Designer ES (version 8.x), images were referenced using a URL. In Workbench, you can reference an image using a URL or a relative path.

For information about importing assets into a Workbench application, see Importing resources, processes, and events to applications

Upgrade a form guide

In Workbench, use the New Guide Wizard to migrate a form guide created in Designer ES (version 8.x). After you migrate a Guide, review the settings in the Guide Properties view and preview the Guide to test it.

  1. If the form guide includes custom components, recompile the custom library file (SWC) using the Flex 4.5 SDK. See Building your custom Flex library project.

  2. Start Workbench.

  3. To import your assets into your Workbench application, see Importing resources, processes, and events to applications.

  4. To import an SWC or SWF file into Workbench, see Referencing your Flex library project in Workbench.

  5. Select File > New > Guide.

  6. Complete the information as required, and specify these options:

    • On the Specify A Data Model screen, from the Enter Or Select An Asset option, select the form (XDP or PDF). The form contains the form guide you want to migrate.

    • If the form contains several form guides, select the one that you want to migrate from the Start With The Selected Guide option.

    • On the Style Selection screen, specify the custom style file. You can select a custom style file (SWF), or you can migrate the custom style SWC:

      • To use a custom style (SWF) file that is in your Workbench application, select the Select A Custom Style option. You can use a custom style file (SWF) from another Guide or you can compile it. For information about compiling a custom style (SWF), see Creating Custom Style Sheets.

      • To use the custom style file (SWC) that was used in the form guide you are migrating, select Import The Associated Style. Select the destination where you want to save the imported SWF file. This option is available only if the original form guide used a custom style (SWC). You must import the custom style into the Workbench application in the expected directory path. The SWC file is migrated to the SWF file format.

  7. In the Guide Properties view, specify the following properties as required:

    • To use a custom library file, in the Guide Extensions property, specify the SWC file.

    • To include sample data, in the Sample Data property, specify the XML file.

    • To include an interactive PDF document with the Guide, select the Include Interactive PDF option.

    • From the Where To Submit From options, specify the Submit From property.

    • To include an image with the Help, in the Guide Help > Image property, select an image file that you added to your application.

      Hinweis: The image displays correctly when you render the Guide, but it appears empty in the Guide Properties view.
    • To include a Help video, in the Help Video property, specify the relative path for the video file (FLV). If the form guide included a Help video, add it again. Help videos work only with the Cobalt Standard and Cobalt Tree Guide layouts.

    • To display a panel at full size, in the Guide Tree view, select the panel, and then select the Display Panel Full Size property.

    • Set the Submit From property for the Guide according to the setting that was used in the form guide:

      • If the submit setting was Guide, and it used the default submit button, the Submit From property migrates to Guide.

      • If the submit setting was Guide, and it did not use the default submit button, add the submit button to a Guide panel. From the Submit From options, select User Button.
        Hinweis: Guides do not support Email Submit Buttons.
      • If the submit setting was PDF or Printed Form, select the Include Interactive PDF option. From the Submit From options, select Interactive PDF.

      • If the submit setting was Hosted App, the Submit From property migrates to Host.

    Hinweis: In the editor, the appearance of panel items is approximated. To see how the Guide items appear at runtime, preview the Guide. Review the settings and correct them if necessary.
  8. To use server-side calculations, in the Manage Action Profiles option, set the Submit Process to:

    Guide (system)/2.0/Processes/Submit Guide.process

    The default Submit Process for Guides is:

    /Process Management (system)/2.0/Submit Guide.process

    For information about the Manage Action Profiles option, see Modifying and creating action profiles.